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About US‘It searches for always new universality and it is begun to make’various and special something - this is our work .If an architect's office is requested, many people think that a threshold is high and high-cost,and becomes a house in which it...
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About US

‘It searches for always new universality and it is begun to make’various and special something - this is our work .If an architect's office is requested, many people think that a threshold is high and high-cost,and becomes a house in which it is hard to live by design serious consideration. However, such a thing never cannot be found.  We search for always new universality, conversing with the chief mourner, and beginning to make various and rich space by using a simple and intelligible method. We are able to create that regaze at ‘the fundamental view’which people have, and reconstructing it from a different angle,-richer and newer space. It will surely be encounter with the space which has not been experienced until now and where the heart becomes rich for you.  For example, if it thinks by car, we would like to search for the  earliness of time to be born by the merit of comfortableness,and the design produced from there rather than to simply investigate only the speed, and a novel design and function of speed. It is surely required for a future time, and is because it thinks that it is a design gentle to people and the earth.  We are this firm feeling would have a dialog with m any directions, would share each other, and would like to convey society through registered architect of us.

我们通过“设计”丰富世界 ALTS DESIGN OFFICE 公司名取自电脑键盘上的ALT键,由于公司由多人经营,所以加了复数S,成为ALTS 。 ALT 键可以通过与其他键一起按下来更改该键的功能。 例如,简单地按下 A 键将键入字母 A,但按住 ALT 键并按下 A 键将执行相应的功能 。 即使一个人只能执行单一功能,通过与我们的客户互动,我们 也会创造出前所未有的新事物。 贴近每一位顾客并与之互动,提出适合每一位顾客的独特概念, 可以实现居住和访问那里的人们所设想的舒适和丰富,并使他们的日常生活更加美好。 我相信我们可以 我们认为,我们的“想法”所创造的设计,是在人与人与物之间创造故事(故事),接近人与物本质的“设计” 。 我们相信,通过“设计”让世界变得更丰富一点,并 认真对待每一个设计,是我们的力量所在。 我们活跃于关西地区和关东地区,例如京都和大阪,主要在滋贺县。我们通过设计范围广泛的项目积累了广泛的经验, 从定制房屋到商店、餐厅、新设施和办公室以及装修。 此外,自2017年以来,我们一直作为承包商工作,因此 我们正在努力更加熟悉我们的客户并进行详细的施工。 迄今为止,我不被建筑设计事务所或建筑师的框架束缚,想享受和挑战各种各样的事物,我 想一项一项地认真地继续我的活动。 此外,我们的工作得到了国内外媒体的高度评价。获得2020 Good Design Award金奖。

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