Atelier Z+
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上海 / 中国
致正建筑工作室(Atelier Z+)是一个立足于上海的跨领域的设计实践机构,其工作涵盖城市设计、建筑、室内和景观设计,并在尺度差异巨大的不同项目中探讨一种不以特定形式风格为目标的、开放的、内省的工作方式。我们始终致力于这样的一种建筑行为:它具有深思熟虑之后直指内在的气质,一方面是理性克制的技术选择,一方面是富于创造力和想象力的自在生活。 致正建筑工作室至今已完成多项重要的建成作品,包括同济大学建筑与城市规划学院C楼、同济大学中法中心、同济大学浙江学院图书馆、上海中福会浦江幼儿园浦江幼...

致正建筑工作室(Atelier Z+)是一个立足于上海的跨领域的设计实践机构,其工作涵盖城市设计、建筑、室内和景观设计,并在尺度差异巨大的不同项目中探讨一种不以特定形式风格为目标的、开放的、内省的工作方式。我们始终致力于这样的一种建筑行为:它具有深思熟虑之后直指内在的气质,一方面是理性克制的技术选择,一方面是富于创造力和想象力的自在生活。



Atelier Z+ is a multidisciplinary design practice based in Shanghai, working in urban design, architecture, interior and landscape design, and exploring an open and introspective way of working that does not aim at a specific formal style in different projects of widely varying scales. We have always been committed to an architectural behavior that is thoughtful and direct to the interior, on the one hand a rational and restrained choice of technology, on the other hand a creative and imaginative life of freedom.

Atelier Z+ has completed a number of important completed works so far, including Building C of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University, the Sino-French Center of Tongji University, the Library of Zhejiang College of Tongji University, the Pujiang Kindergarten of the Shanghai China Welfare Association, the East Bank Wangjiang Stage, the Wetland Scientific Research and Educational Center of Dongtan Wetland in Chongming, the Visitor Center of Zhangma, the renewal of the public space of the Sixth Factory of Yangpu Binjiang, the Foreshore School and Bengchangtian Foreshore High School of the Second Affiliated School of East China Normal University, and the Bengchangtian Foreshore School. School and Ice Factory Tian Qiantan Kindergarten, Shanghai Oriental Pearl Cruise Terminal Waiting Hall, Zhangma Visitor Center, Baiyangdian Ecological Science and Technology Exhibition Hall and Visitor Center, Dongchang Bridge, Suzhou River under the bridge station on Wuning Road, Zhoushan City, Shrimp Island, Jiepang Terminal Ferry Terminal, and so on.

致正建筑工作室 | Atelier Z+



   项目 | Projects   

▽同济大学建筑与城市规划学院C楼 2001~2004(2004 年WA中国建筑奖佳作奖/2006年第四届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖佳作奖/2006年上海市建筑学会建筑创作奖佳作奖)

▽同济大学中法中心 2004~2006(2006上海市建筑学会建筑创作奖佳作奖/2008美国《商业周刊》《建筑实录》中国建筑奖最佳公共建筑/2008第五届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖佳作奖/2009教育部优秀勘察设计建筑工程设计一等奖)

▽崇明东滩湿地科研宣教中心 2013-2019

▽华东师范大学第二附属中学前滩学校及冰厂田前滩幼儿园 2015-2018

▽东岸望江驿 2017-2018

▽张马游客中心 2017-2019

▽杨浦滨江六厂公共空间更新 2017-2020


▽苏州河武宁路桥下驿站 2020-2021

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