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马德里 / 西班牙
About USNORME Studio is an architecture and design office based in Madrid and led by Rocío Pina and Carmelo Rodríguez. ENORME is best characterised by their radical approach to architecture, city and people. They design and build architecture projec...
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About US

NORME Studio is an architecture and design office based in Madrid and led by Rocío Pina and Carmelo Rodríguez. ENORME is best characterised by their radical approach to architecture, city and people. They design and build architecture projects based on industrial systems and typological innovation, as well as perform participation dynamics in the domain of city construction. Their aim is to foster alternative ways to examine urban issues and to motivate the creation of a proactive citizen culture. They design and apply tactical urbanism tools that transfer teamwork strategies and collective thinking dynamics into public and private space design and management. ENORME’s aim is to give the city back to citizens as an emotional, plural and relational space. They are authors of awarded projects such as Teruelzilla Leisure Center (Mies van der Rohe European Award’s selected and Building of the Year 2012. ICON AWARDS), Home Back Home (N.I.C.E. Award 2015. Solving the World’s Major Challenges), Urban SPA (Landmark of the Year. Next Landmark Awards) or From Olympic Games to urban Games (PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD. Sixtynine Seventy International Competition. Salt Lake City). Their work has been exhibited at Mostra Internazionale di Architettura de La Biennale di Venezia, Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo Española, MOMA Museum of Modern Art, Oslo Architecture Triennale “After Belonging”among others and their production has been published in the most important media including Domus, AV, The New York Times, The Guardian, Arquine or El Pais,

NORME工作室是一家位于马德里的建筑和设计事务所,由Rocío Pina和Carmelo Rodríguez领导。 ENORME的最大特点是他们对建筑、城市和人的激进态度。他们设计和建造基于工业系统和类型学创新的建筑项目,并在城市建设领域进行参与性动态。他们的目标是促进以其他方式研究城市问题,并激励创造一种积极的公民文化。 他们设计和应用战术性的城市化工具,将团队合作战略和集体思维动态转移到公共和私人空间设计和管理中。ENORME的目标是将城市作为一个情感的、多元的和关系的空间还给市民。 他们是获奖项目的作者,如Teruelzilla休闲中心(Mies van der Rohe欧洲奖的选定和2012年年度建筑。ICON AWARDS)、Home Back Home(2015年N.I.C.E.奖,解决世界重大挑战)、Urban SPA(年度地标,Next Landmark Awards)或From Olympic Games to urban Games(PEOPLE'S Choice Award。 六九七十国际竞赛。盐湖城)。 他们的作品曾在威尼斯国际建筑双年展(Mostra Internazionale di Architettura de La Biennale di Venezia)、西班牙建筑与城市化双年展(Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo Española)、MOMA现代艺术博物馆、奥斯陆建筑三年展(After Belonging)等展出,他们的作品曾在最重要的媒体上发表,包括Domus、AV、纽约时报、卫报、Arquine或El Pais、

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