Greyspace Atelier
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(+86) 021-55272756
上海 / 中国
About USFounded in Shanghai in 2016, Grey Space Architects started as a locally-based architectural design team of growth, diversity and global mindset, offering interdisciplinary, whole-cycle and integrated design service on master planning, archite...
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About US

Founded in Shanghai in 2016, Grey Space Architects started as a locally-based architectural design team of growth, diversity and global mindset, offering interdisciplinary, whole-cycle and integrated design service on master planning, architectural design, interior and product design. With education from Tongji University, the founding team has based the practice in Shanghai and developed their design philosophy exploiting this global metropolitan as a container of diverse historical and cultural events. While in Shanghai as the centre of cultural fusion, Grey Space has participated widely in regional architectural practice, while continuously exploring more diversified and international design strategies for more complex architectural and spatial design attempts. Our design practice has been rooting in regional architectural and spatial exploration under global context, seeking for a more proactive site intervention incorporated with local culture, site conditions, functional requirements, indigenous materials and construction technologies, so as to realize genuine and concise architecture of locality. Grey Space has always been balancing our projects in the whole design-construction process. More than formal aesthetics itself, we have been responding to the site condition and functional requirement while subtly breaking through from space, form, light, material and detailing, etc., giving meanings of a different level to the architectural form.

灰空间建筑事务所(Grey Space)于2016年创立于上海,是一个逐步增长、多样化的、具有国际化背景的本土建筑设计团队。灰空间提供多元化的整体规划、建筑设计、室内及产品设计,全周期一体化服务。 事务所地点选择在上海,一方面出于创始团队的同济大学教育背景,另一方面是上海作为一个全球化和历史文化多元并存的事件容器,为事务所提供了丰富的设计理念源泉。灰空间在广泛参与地域化建筑实践的同时,也在上海这个文化交融的中心,寻求更多元化和国际性的设计策略,不断参与到更为复杂的建筑与空间实践之中。 在全球化发展趋势下,灰空间的建筑实践扎根于地域化的建筑与空间探索,寻求以更积极的方式介入场地,结合功能需求、地形条件、地方文化、地域性材料和施工工艺等,实现真实至简的在地建筑。 从设计开始到施工完成的整个过程中,灰空间始终以一个平衡者的姿态介入,不着重强调形式美学为主导,而是解决复杂的场地和功能问题的同时,在空间、形式、光线、材料、节点等方面寻找细微的突破点,赋予建筑本身外观形象以不同层面的意义。

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