martin cenek architecture
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MARTIN CENEK ARCHITECTURE 于 2008 年在布拉格成立。简单、清晰、合理的可持续设计--这就是工作室的工作理念。MARTIN CENEK ARCHITECTURE was established in 2008 in Prague. Simple, clear and logical sustainable design - that is the philosophy behind the studio´s work.Martin Čeněk 自 2003 年以来一直...
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MARTIN CENEK ARCHITECTURE 于 2008 年在布拉格成立。简单、清晰、合理的可持续设计--这就是工作室的工作理念。

MARTIN CENEK ARCHITECTURE was established in 2008 in Prague. Simple, clear and logical sustainable design - that is the philosophy behind the studio´s work.

Martin Čeněk 自 2003 年以来一直从事建筑和室内设计领域的工作。工作室与工程专业人员合作,提供完整而复杂的服务。我们在从第一张草图到建筑工地监理的整个设计过程中积累了丰富的经验。自 2010 年起,建筑摄影也成为我们乐意为客户或建筑师同行提供的服务之一。

Martin Čeněk has been working in the field of architecture and interior design since 2003.The studio collaborates with engineering professionals in order to provide complete and complex services. We have experience with the whole design process from the first sketch to building site supervision. Since 2010, architectural photography is also part of the services we gladly offer to our clients or fellow architects.

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