Norm Architects
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哥本哈根 / 荷兰
About USFounded in 2008, Norm Architects is a Copenhagen-based practice working with design to enrich the human experience. As multidisciplinary architects and designers, we consider our work as a facilitation of well-being, as a distillation of aest...

About US

Founded in 2008, Norm Architects is a Copenhagen-based practice working with design to enrich the human experience. As multidisciplinary architects and designers, we consider our work as a facilitation of well-being, as a distillation of aesthetics that resonate with the unique person and place, and as a system that supports universal human needs. Each project – be it architecture, interiors or products – exemplifies minimalism infused with a larger aim to re-sensualize the built environment through haptic designs that embrace mind and body. As we work, our goal is always to find the essence of the design no matter its scale or location to create buildings, spaces and objects that connect with the innate human desire for belonging, autonomy and identity. Our expertise lies in recognizing the moment when there is nothing more to add or take away; when function meets beauty and the work feels as good as it looks.

"诺姆建筑事务所成立于2008年,是一家位于哥本哈根的事务所,通过设计来丰富人类的经验。作为多学科的建筑师和设计师,我们认为我们的工作是对幸福的促进,是对与独特的人和地点产生共鸣的美学的提炼,是支持人类普遍需求的系统。 每个项目--无论是建筑、室内还是产品--都体现了极简主义,并注入了一个更大的目标,即通过拥抱心灵和身体的触觉设计,使建筑环境重新获得感性。在我们的工作中,我们的目标始终是找到设计的本质,无论其规模或位置,以创造建筑、空间和物体,与人类天生的归属感、自主性和身份的欲望相联系。我们的专长在于认识到没有什么可以增加或减少的时刻;当功能与美相遇,作品的感觉和它的外观一样好。

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