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About USOMA is a leading international partnership practicing architecture, urbanism, and cultural analysis. OMA’s buildings and masterplans around the world insist on intelligent forms while inventing new possibilities for content and everyday use. ...
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About US

OMA is a leading international partnership practicing architecture, urbanism, and cultural analysis. OMA’s buildings and masterplans around the world insist on intelligent forms while inventing new possibilities for content and everyday use. AMO, a research and design studio, works in areas beyond architecture that today have an increasing influence on architecture itself: media, politics, renewable energy, technology, publishing, fashion.OMA is led by nine partners - Rem Koolhaas, Ellen van Loon, Reinier de Graaf, Shohei Shigematsu, Iyad Alsaka, David Gianotten, Chris van Duijn, Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, Jason Long - and maintains offices in Rotterdam, New York, Beijing, Hong Kong, Doha and Dubai.OMA-designed buildings currently under construction include, Taipei Performing Arts Centre, Qatar National Library, Qatar Foundation Headquarters, Bibliothèque Multimédia à Vocation Régionale in Caen, Bryghusprojektet in Copenhagen, Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec, Prince Plaza in Shenzhen, and Faena Arts Center in Miami.OMA's recently completed projects include Timmerhuis, new home for Rotterdam’s municipal offices (2015); Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow (2015); Fondazione Prada in Milan (2015); G-Star Headquarters in Amsterdam (2014); Shenzhen Stock Exchange (2013); De Rotterdam, a large mixed-use tower in the Netherlands (2013); CCTV Headquarters in Beijing (2012); New Court, the headquarters for Rothschild Bank in London (2011); Milstein Hall at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York (2011); and Maggie's Centre, a cancer care centre in Glasgow (2011). Earlier buildings include Casa da Música in Porto (2005), Seattle Central Library (2004), and Netherlands Embassy in Berlin (2003).AMO often works in parallel with OMA's clients to fertilize architecture with intelligence from this array of disciplines. This is the case with Prada: AMO's research into identity, in-store technology, and new possibilities of content-production in fashion helped generate OMA's architectural designs for new Prada epicenter stores in New York and Los Angeles. In 2004, AMO was commissioned by the European Union to study its visual communication, and designed a coloured "barcode" flag - combining the flags of all member states - that was used during the Austrian presidency of the EU.AMO has worked with Universal Studios, Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, Heineken, Ikea, Condé Nast, Harvard University and the Hermitage. It has produced exhibitions at the Venice Architecture Biennale, including The Gulf (2006), Cronocaos (2010) and Public Works (2012) and for Fondazione Prada including When Attitudes Become Form (2012) and Serial and Portable Classics (2015). AMO, with Harvard University, was responsible for the research and curation of the 14th Venice Architecture Biennale and it’s principle publication Elements. Other notable projects are a plan for a Europe-wide renewable energy grid; Project Japan, a 720-page book on the Metabolism architecture movement (Taschen, 2010); and the educational program of Strelka Institute in Moscow.

OMA是一家从事建筑、城市化和文化分析的国际领先合作伙伴。OMA在世界各地的建筑和总体规划坚持采用智能形式,同时为内容和日常使用发明了新的可能性。OMA是一个研究和设计工作室,在建筑以外的领域开展工作,这些领域今天对建筑本身的影响越来越大:媒体、政治、可再生能源、技术、出版、时尚。OMA由九个合伙人领导--雷姆-库哈斯、埃伦-范隆、雷尼尔-德格拉夫、重松昌平、伊亚德-阿尔萨卡、大卫-贾诺滕、克里斯-范杜恩、伊波利托-佩斯特利尼-拉帕雷利、杰森-龙--并在鹿特丹、纽约、北京、香港、多哈和迪拜设有办事处。 OMA设计的建筑目前正在建设中,包括台北表演艺术中心、卡塔尔国家图书馆、卡塔尔基金会总部、卡昂地区多学科图书馆、哥本哈根的Bryghusprojektet、魁北克国家美术博物馆、深圳太子广场和迈阿密的法纳艺术中心。 OMA最近完成的项目包括鹿特丹市政办公室的新家Timmerhuis(2015年);莫斯科的车库当代艺术博物馆(2015年);米兰的Fondazione Prada(2015年);阿姆斯特丹的G-Star总部(2014年);深圳证券交易所(2013年); De Rotterdam,荷兰的一座大型综合大楼(2013年);北京的中央电视台总部(2012年);伦敦罗斯柴尔德银行的总部New Court(2011年);纽约伊萨卡康奈尔大学的Milstein Hall(2011年);以及格拉斯哥的癌症护理中心Maggie's Centre(2011年)。早期的建筑包括波尔图的Casa da Música(2005年)、西雅图中央图书馆(2004年)和荷兰驻柏林大使馆(2003年)。AMO经常与OMA的客户平行合作,用这一系列学科的智慧为建筑施肥。与普拉达的合作就是如此:AMO对身份识别、店内技术和时尚界内容生产的新可能性的研究,帮助OMA为普拉达在纽约和洛杉矶的新中心店进行建筑设计。2004年,AMO受欧盟委托研究其视觉传播,并设计了一面彩色的 "条形码 "旗帜--结合了所有成员国的旗帜--在奥地利担任欧盟主席期间使用。AMO曾与环球影城、阿姆斯特丹史基浦机场、喜力啤酒、宜家、康德纳斯、哈佛大学和冬宫合作。 它曾在威尼斯建筑双年展上举办展览,包括《海湾》(2006年)、《Cronocaos》(2010年)和《公共工程》(2012年),并为普拉达基金会举办展览,包括《当态度成为形式》(2012年)和《系列和可移动经典》(2015年)。AMO与哈佛大学合作,负责第14届威尼斯建筑双年展及其主要出版物《元素》的研究和策划。其他值得注意的项目有:全欧洲可再生能源电网计划;日本项目,一本720页的关于新陈代谢建筑运动的书(Taschen,2010);以及莫斯科斯特雷卡学院的教育项目。

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