O-office Architects
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广州 / 中国
About USEstablished in 2007 by He Jianxiang and Jiang Ying, O-office Architects explores a new spatial paradigm between demands from hyper urban development and local cultures. Conservation of the urban history and study on new urban collective livin...

About US

Established in 2007 by He Jianxiang and Jiang Ying, O-office Architects explores a new spatial paradigm between demands from hyper urban development and local cultures. Conservation of the urban history and study on new urban collective living forms in the expanding Pearl River Delta region has been O-office's main design focuses. O-office's experimental regional practice has been recognized and featured internationally by top architectural medias, including The Architectural Review, Architectural Record, L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui and Architectural Journal (China). O-office has also been awarded important architectural prizes, including RIBA Award for International Excellence, Gold Winner of ARCASIA Awards for Architecture (2020) and the Architecture Award of the 1st City for Humanity Award (China) in 2020. Other main awards include Highly Commended in AR New into Old awards (2017) and nomination in BSI Swiss Architectural Award (2016). In 2015 O-office was featured by Architectural Record as Design Vanguard practices. In 2020 O-office was selected in the list of World's 50 Best Architectural Firms by Domus.

源计划建筑师事务所2007年由何健翔和蒋滢创建于广州,以研究式的设计在高速成长与地域文化之间构建全新的空间话语。对珠江三角洲和大湾区城市历史和记忆的保护以及对新都市居住形态的研究是事务所近年的设计和研究重点。源计划独特的地域性实践获国内外专业媒体广泛关注,作品和文章被收录于包括英国《The Architecture Review》、美国《Architectural Record》、法国《L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui》、意大利《CASABELLA》中国《建筑学报》等顶级学术媒体及多本关于中国当代建筑研究和案例的国际出版物。源计划作品多次获得国际和国内重要建筑和设计奖项,其中包括英国皇家建筑师协会国际卓越建筑奖、2020年亚洲建筑师学会金奖、2020年三联人文城市奖建筑奖唯一大奖、英国《The Architecture Review》New into Old 2017奖项(Highly Recommended)和2016年瑞士BSI建筑奖提名等。2015年获评为美国《Architectural Record》全球十大先锋建筑事务所之一, 2020年源计划获权威建筑媒体意大利《domus》杂志评选为2020年度全球50最佳建筑设计事务所之一。

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