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About USFounded by Tao Lei in 2011, TAOA has been constantly seeking a new way of architecture which not only coexists with natural environment but could adapt itself to the future. Based on the combination of traditional Chinese culture and modern n...

About US

Founded by Tao Lei in 2011, TAOA has been constantly seeking a new way of architecture which not only coexists with natural environment but could adapt itself to the future. Based on the combination of traditional Chinese culture and modern notion, all projects designed by TAOA including dwelling design, commercial center design and so on embodied our own value that is to create free and authentic space atmosphere in a organic and relaxing way. Such value enables us to perfect every single segment of architectural practice involving project planning, conceptual design and construction detail. Furthermore, we pay attention to the social context of architecture as well as meet clients’ demand. Tao Lei (Beijing) Architecture Designing Corporation was officially established in 2011, however, which used to be Tao Studio in 2007. TAOA has gained widely reputation of architectural field. Their works have been recognized and published widely both in China and internationally including WA Awards for Chinese Architecture 2010, Gold Awards and Merit Awards of Asia Pacific Interior Design, nomination of China Architecture Media Awards, shortlist of UED Museum Design Award etc. It is worth mentioning that TAOA won WA Awards for Chinese Architecture again in 2012. At the same time, Tao Lei won Young Architect Award nomination of 2012 China Architecture Media Awards. By Phoenix Media’s invitation, TAOA’s first book《In and Out》(Modern Architecture in China 70 Series) was published in 2012.

TAOA 在实践中不断的寻求一条与当今社会及自然环境共存的道路,以东方的自然观探讨属于未来的建筑。TAOA 所有的项目,不论是居住、商业还是文化中心,都在始终秉承着让建筑在当代的语境下,以有机、轻松且快乐的方式体现真实、自由的生活氛围,旨在中国传统的空间意识、文化意识及当下价值观的前提下去营造属于自己的空间意境。

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