Alvaro Siza Vieira
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About USÁlvaro Siza, known as Álvaro Joaquim de Melo Siza Vieira, is a Portuguese architect, winner of the Mies van de Rohe Prize in 1988 and the Pritzker Prize in 1992, born in 1933 in Matosinhos, a suburb of Porto. In 1954, at the age of 21, Siza b...

About US

Álvaro Siza, known as Álvaro Joaquim de Melo Siza Vieira, is a Portuguese architect, winner of the Mies van de Rohe Prize in 1988 and the Pritzker Prize in 1992, born in 1933 in Matosinhos, a suburb of Porto. In 1954, at the age of 21, Siza began his career as a designer by designing four small houses for his hometown of Matosinhos, which he continues to work on to this day.

Álvaro Siza全名Álvaro Joaquim de Melo Siza Vieira,葡萄牙建筑师。1988年Mies van de Rohe Prize 得主及1992年the Pritzker Prize 得主。1933年生于波尔图(Porto)市郊的Matosinhos,1954年,年仅21岁的Siza以为家乡Matosinhos设计的四所小房子作为开端,开始了他的设计师生涯,一直到今日,耕作不惜。

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