Coop Himmelb(l)au
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About USCOOP HIMMELB(L)AU, founded in 1968 by Wolf dPrix, Helmut Swiczinsky, and Michael Holzer (left in 1971) in Vienna, Austria. Since Helmut Swiczinsky retired in 2001 from the firm’s day-to-day operations, and his departure as a partner in 2006, ...
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About US

COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, founded in 1968 by Wolf dPrix, Helmut Swiczinsky, and Michael Holzer (left in 1971) in Vienna, Austria. Since Helmut Swiczinsky retired in 2001 from the firm’s day-to-day operations, and his departure as a partner in 2006, Wolf dPrix is leading the studio as CEO and Design Principal. "Himmelblau is not a color but an idea, of creating architecture with fantasy, as buoyant and variable as clouds." - Wolf dPrix The studio has a multicultural team from more than 15 countries and is over 60 people strong. With over 50 years in practice, Coop Himmelb(l)au is an expert in developing and executing complex, timely and highly meaningful projects in the fields of architecture, urban planning, design and art worldwide. The team believes in Architecture as a three-dimensional expression of society and therefore must present a social portrait that embodies societal, political, cultural, energetic and economic forces. "'COOP' means cooperative and ​'HIMMELBLAU' means sky blue. We started building in 1978 and so set the ​'L' in brackets meaning the blue turns into ​'sky building'.” - Wolf dPrix

COOP HIMMELB(L)AU,1968年由Wolf dPrix、Helmut Swiczinsky和Michael Holzer(1971年离开)在奥地利维也纳创立。自从2001年Helmut Swiczinsky从公司的日常运作中退休,以及他在2006年作为合伙人离开后,Wolf dPrix作为首席执行官和设计负责人领导工作室。 "Himmelblau不是一种颜色,而是一种理念,是创造具有幻想的建筑,像云一样浮动和多变。" - 沃尔夫-德普雷克斯 该工作室拥有一支来自15个国家的多元文化团队,人数超过60人。在50多年的实践中,Coop Himmelb(l)au是开发和执行全球建筑、城市规划、设计和艺术领域中复杂、及时和极具意义的项目的专家。 该团队认为建筑是社会的三维表达,因此必须呈现出一幅社会画卷,体现社会、政治、文化、能量和经济力量。 "'COOP'意味着合作,'HIMMELBLAU'意味着天蓝色。我们在1978年开始建设,所以把'L'设置在括号里,意味着蓝色变成了'天空建筑'"。 - Wolf dPrix

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