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About USManuel Bieler, Antoine Robert-Grandpierre and Laurent Saurer founded LOCALARCHITECTURE in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2002. Their work focuses on developing a responsive architecture that contributes in redefininga context’s harmony and history....
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About US

Manuel Bieler, Antoine Robert-Grandpierre and Laurent Saurer founded LOCALARCHITECTURE in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2002. Their work focuses on developing a responsive architecture that contributes in redefininga context’s harmony and history. Coming from a precise analysis of the «milieux», their architecture explore the notion of the «presence» of a building which is conveyed by an intimate relationship of form and structure.Localarchitecture has been recognized nationally and internationally in publications and competitions. Recent awards include the Lignum Award in 2012 and 2009, Distinction Romande d’Architecture Award in 2006 and Bois21 Award in 2005. Localarchitecture has been involved in teaching for several years, in particular as lecturer at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), teaching tutor of Prof. Harry Gugger (lapa), and through review jurys at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Zürich (ETHZ), Ecole d’architectes et d’ingénieurs de Fribourg (HES-SO), Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design de Genève (HEAD-HES-SO), or the Academy of Architecture of Mendrisio.

Manuel Bieler, Antoine Robert-Grandpierre和Laurent Saurer于2002年在瑞士洛桑成立了LOCALARCHITECTURE。他们的工作重点是开发一个响应性的建筑,为重新定义一个环境的和谐和历史作出贡献。通过对 "环境 "的精确分析,他们的建筑探索了建筑的 "存在 "概念,这是由形式和结构的亲密关系所传达的。最近的奖项包括2012年和2009年的Lignum奖,2006年的Distinction Romande d'Architecture奖和2005年的Bois21奖。Localarchitecture多年来一直从事教学工作,特别是在洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)担任讲师,是Harry Gugger教授的教学导师。在苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETHZ)、弗里堡建筑与工程学院(HES-SO)、日内瓦高级艺术与设计学院(HEAD-HES-SO)或门德里西奥建筑学院,Localarchitecture参与了多年的教学工作。

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