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南京 / 中国
About USThe firm is located in an old Republican house in Meiyuan New Village next to the Presidential Palace in Nanjing. The main design content of the firm covers architecture, interior, landscape, furniture and soft furnishings, etc. The main desi...
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About US

The firm is located in an old Republican house in Meiyuan New Village next to the Presidential Palace in Nanjing. The main design content of the firm covers architecture, interior, landscape, furniture and soft furnishings, etc. The main design direction is the renovation of the interior and exterior of old buildings, with a long-term focus on urban space renewal and rural space revitalization activities. We are committed to creating more possibilities. Since the establishment of the firm in 2016, the firm has been trying to diversify its design for different spaces and has gained international recognition. The partner of the firm was invited as a guest speaker at the London Design Biennale Forum 2018, and the work of the firm was featured on the cover of the July 2017 issue of Domus International and in the full book. "The projects of "Nanjing Jiangning Weaving Museum" and "PAUSE Café" were selected as Architecture of the Year 2018 in English and Chinese versions of Archdaily. Cat House" project was featured in the "Life Transformer" program of East TV. In addition the firm's projects also won the Red Dot Reddot International Design Award 2018 in Germany, the International IF Design Award 2018 in Germany, the 11th IDA International Design Award 2018 in the US, the Gold Award of TID Interior Design Award 2018 in Taiwan, APIDA Asia Pacific Interior Design Award 2017 in Hong Kong, IIDA International Interior Design Annual Award 2017 in the US, etc.

反几建筑设计事务所 位于南京市总统府旁梅园新村一栋民国老宅内。事务所主要设计内容涵盖建筑、室内、景观、家具软装等,并以旧建筑室内外改造为主要设计方向,长期关注城市空间更新与乡村空间振兴活动。举一反几,创造更多可能性。 事务所自2016年成立以来,一直尝试针对不同空间多元化设计,并获得国际认可。事务所合伙人为2018伦敦设计双年展论坛特邀嘉宾并参与论演讲。Domus国际中文版2017年7月刊封面及全书报道事务所作品。“南京江宁织造博物馆文创商店”和“PAUSE咖啡馆”项目入围Archdaily英文版及中文版2018年度建筑。2017东方卫视的“生活改造家”栏目报道“猫屋”项目。此外事务所项目还荣获2018德国红点Reddot国际设计大奖,2018德国国际IF设计大奖,2018第11届美国IDA国际设计大奖,2018台湾TID室内设计大奖金奖,2017香港亚太室内设计大奖APIDA,2017美国国际室内设计年度大奖IIDA等。

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