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马德里 / 西班牙
About USselgascano was established in Madrid in 1998. It is a small atelier and intends to remain so. They have worked with a wide variety of projects keeping always nature at the core of the program. Its work is focused on research into the construc...

About US

selgascano was established in Madrid in 1998. It is a small atelier and intends to remain so. They have worked with a wide variety of projects keeping always nature at the core of the program. Its work is focused on research into the construction process, which is treated as an ongoing process of `listening´ to the largest possible number of elements involved, from manufacture to installation. Selgascano avoids the use of games and mechanisms that lead to disciplinary issues and strives to seek beauty that is comprehensible to any human being. They tend not to give lectures or classes in order to focus intensely on their projects, although they were involved with the MIT (2013-14) in a short-term extension of the studio´s main concern: an intense search for new outlets for nature using artificial means, applying technologies borrowed from other fields that are rarely mixed with architecture. All of this is linked to the necessary aim of making architecture lose ground to nature once again, minimizing its presence and reducing its role to the creation of opportunities for new types of nature. In 2015 they were commissioned to build the Serpentine Pavilion in Hyde Park (London). In 2016, they designed a pavilion in Cognac, and in 2018, they displayed their installation for Triennale Brugge from May through Sept 2018. They have exhibited at the MOMA in NY, the Guggenheim in NY, the Venice Biennale, the Chicago Architectural Biennal, the GA Gallery in Tokyo, The MOT (Contemporary art museum of Tokyo), the Design Museum of London, the Akademie der Kunste in Berlín, the Tin Sheds Gallery in Sydney and the MIT in Boston. In 2013 they have won the Kunstpreis (Art prize) that gives the Akademie der Kunste in Berlin. Also in the same 2013 they won the “Architects of the Year” prize given by the German Design Council in Munich and in 2019 they were announced as finalists for the Mies Van der Rohe Award.

"塞尔加斯卡诺于 1998 年在马德里成立。这是一家小型工作室,并打算一直保持下去。他们参与了各种各样的项目,并始终将自然作为项目的核心。其工作重点是对建筑过程进行研究,将其视为一个从制造到安装的过程中对尽可能多的相关元素进行 "倾听 "的持续过程。塞尔加斯卡诺避免使用会导致学科问题的游戏和机制,而是努力寻求任何人都能理解的美。 他们倾向于不举办讲座或课程,而是专注于自己的项目,尽管他们与麻省理工学院(2013-14 年)合作,短期扩展了工作室的主要关注点:利用人工手段,应用从其他领域借鉴的技术,为自然寻找新的出路,而这些技术很少与建筑相融合。所有这一切都与一个必要的目标有关,那就是让建筑再次失去自然的地位,将其存在感降到最低,并将其作用降低到为新型自然创造机会上。 2015 年,他们受委托在伦敦海德公园建造蛇形馆。2016 年,他们在科涅克设计了一座展馆,2018 年,他们在 2018 年 5 月至 9 月的布鲁日三年展上展出了自己的装置作品。 他们曾在纽约现代艺术博物馆、纽约古根海姆博物馆、威尼斯双年展、芝加哥建筑双年展、东京 GA 画廊、东京 MOT(东京当代艺术博物馆)、伦敦设计博物馆、柏林艺术学院、悉尼 Tin Sheds 画廊和波士顿麻省理工学院展出。 2013 年,他们获得了柏林艺术学院颁发的艺术奖(Kunstpreis)。同样在 2013 年,他们还获得了慕尼黑德国设计委员会颁发的 "年度建筑师 "奖,并于 2019 年宣布入围密斯-凡德罗奖决赛。

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