Carvalho Araújo
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圣克鲁斯 / 西班牙
About USBased in Braga (Portugal) and São Paulo (Brazil), Carvalho Araújo’s studio is committed to the search and reflection of different approaches in the fields of architecture, product design and creative direction, trying to combine the design pr...
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About US

Based in Braga (Portugal) and São Paulo (Brazil), Carvalho Araújo’s studio is committed to the search and reflection of different approaches in the fields of architecture, product design and creative direction, trying to combine the design practice with a more strategic view. The projects and products Carvalho Araújo are characterized by elegance and a formal containment attitude, emphasizing the quality of design, proportions and materials. The design is no reason for exhibitionism, but rather a perfectly rational and simultaneously poetic act.Both in architecture as in the design fields, rather than respond to a specific program or application, it is important for us to question the problems from a formal and strategic point of view, either in the markets but also (in the case of architectural projects) its scale, uses and interaction with the place. The stabilization of a working team that operates in proximity areas translates into a studio’s posture and flexibility that allows us to present the client with a strategical and conceptually clear "final product".

总部设在布拉加(葡萄牙)和圣保罗(巴西),Carvalho Araújo的工作室致力于在建筑、产品设计和创意指导领域寻找和反映不同的方法,试图将设计实践与更多的战略观点相结合。Carvalho Araújo的项目和产品的特点是优雅和正式遏制的态度,强调设计、比例和材料的质量。设计不是展览主义的理由,而是一种完全理性的同时又充满诗意的行为。无论是在建筑领域还是在设计领域,与其说是对一个具体的方案或应用作出回应,不如说是我们从形式和战略的角度来质疑问题,无论是在市场方面,还是(在建筑项目方面)其规模、用途和与地方的互动。一个在邻近地区运作的工作团队的稳定转化为一个工作室的姿态和灵活性,使我们能够向客户展示一个战略上和概念上清晰的 "最终产品"。

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