Moriyuki Ochiai Architects
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(+81) 03-984-1320
东京 / 日本
About USMoriyuki Ochiai, born in Tokyo, Japan is an architect and designer. He established his own studio, Moriyuki Ochiai Architects that is active in architectural, interior, furniture,landscape and industrial design. The sources of our inspiration...
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About US

Moriyuki Ochiai, born in Tokyo, Japan is an architect and designer. He established his own studio, Moriyuki Ochiai Architects that is active in architectural, interior, furniture,landscape and industrial design. The sources of our inspirations come from being captivated by the vivacious and lively beauty of nature or life. We can also feel the influence coming from the delicate sensitivity responding to the unique Japanese nature, which can be found in Japanese temples and gardens. We wish to continue creating works that fulfill people's dreams, become the energy for their lives, and then move on to a deeper dimension that exceeds life itself. AWARD2016 ・A' Design Award “Silver Winner” ( Italy ) ・SBID(Society of British Interior Design) International Design Award 2015 finalist / Retail Design ( UK )2015・INTERIOR DESIGN Best of Year Awards 2015 " Best of Year / 1st PRIZE " category-Counter Service ( INTERIOR DESIGN magazine_USA )・Restaurant & Bar Design Award 2015 1st PRIZE / Decorative lighting (UK) ・German Design Award 2015 Special Mention / Excellent Communications Design-Interior Design ( German design council ) ・German Design Award 2015 Nominee / Excellent Communications Design-Interior Design ( German design council )・SBID(Society of British Interior Design) International Design Award 2015 finalist / Restaurant&Bar ( UK )・Japan Sign Design Association Award 2015 Selected Award2014INTERIOR DESIGN Best of Year Awards 2014 HONOREE( INTERIOR DESIGN magazine_USA )Restaurant & Bar Design Awards (UK) Best Works / Decorative lightingA' Design Award Winner ( Italy ) 2013INTERIOR DESIGN Best of Year Awards 2013 " Best of Year / Grand Prix " category-Food retail ( INTERIOR DESIGN magazine_USA )Red Dot Design Award 2013 ( Germany )LEAF International Interior Design Award 2013 Commercial Building of the Year shortlist ( Germany )German Design Award 2013 nominee( German design council ) category-architecture/interiorGerman Design Award 2013 nominee ( German design council ) category-exhibition designModern Decoration International Media Award 2013 " Annual Restaurant & Bar Space Award "( Modern Decoration magazine_ China )JCD ( Japan Commercial Environmental Design Association) Design Award 2013 Selected AwardJapan Sign Design Association Award 2013 Selected Award2012iF Communication Design Award 2012 " GOLD AWARD " ( Germany ) category-architecture/interioriF Communication Design Award 2012 ( Germany ) category-exhibition/trade fairSBID ( Society of British Interior Design ) International Design Award2012 " Best Commercial Space / 1st prize " ( UK )Red Dot Design Award ( Germany )International Architecture Awards 2012 Shortlist ( USA )JCD ( Japan Commercial Environmental Design Association) Design Award 2012 Selected Award2011INTERIOR DESIGN Best of Year Awards 2011 " Best of Year / Grand Prix " category-Beauty/Spa ( INTERIOR DESIGN magazine_USA )Modern Decoration International Media Award " Annual Commercial Space Design Award / 1st prize "( Modern Decoration magazine_ China )Contractworld.Award 2011 Shortlist New Generation ( AIT_Germany )Japan Display Design Association Award 2011 Selected Award / category-salonJapan Display Design Association Award 2011 Selected Award / category-shopJapan Sign Design Association Award 2011 Selected Award2010Design for Asia Awards 2010 Merit Award ( HongKong Design Center )Japan Kids Design Association Award 2010JCD ( Japan Commercial Environmental Design Association) Design Award 2010 Selected AwardJapan Display Design Association Award 2010 Selected AwardJapan Sign Design Association Award 2010 Selected Award2009Japan Sign Design Association Award 2009 Selected Award

Ochiai Moriyuki,出生于日本东京,是一位建筑师和设计师。他建立了自己的工作室,Moriyuki Ochiai Architects,活跃在建筑、室内、家具、景观和工业设计领域。我们的灵感来源来自于被大自然或生活中的活泼和生动的美所吸引。我们也能感受到来自于对日本独特的自然环境的细腻敏感的影响,这在日本的寺庙和花园中都能找到。我们希望继续创造满足人们梦想的作品,成为他们生活的能量,然后走向超越生活本身的更深层次。

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