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About USPARTISANS designs objects, designs architecture, designs cities, designs concepts, and even ideas. We strive to make the improbable possible and the impossible viable, at all scales and media. Our curiosities are insatiable and our drive to c...
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About US

PARTISANS designs objects, designs architecture, designs cities, designs concepts, and even ideas. We strive to make the improbable possible and the impossible viable, at all scales and media. Our curiosities are insatiable and our drive to create them is central to our project. We are an award winning, internationally published studio founded in 2011 by Alexander Josephson and Pooya Baktash. ALEX JOSEPHSON (Co-Founder) studied art and architecture at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture as well as at the University of Rome where he worked in the offices of Massimilliano Fuksas. In 2011, Alex left the Architecture Association School (AA) in London, England to start PARTISANS. He is the only Canadian recipient of the New York Prize Fellowship from the Van Alen Institute in New York. In 2013, he received The Globe and Mail Catalyst Award for architecture and design. Alex is a design lecturer at the Daniels School of Architecture at the University of Toronto. POOYA BAKTASH (Co-Founder) studied architecture at the University of Azad in Tehran, Iran and the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. In 2011, he co-found PARTISANS and has a record of achievement on major civic projects including, but not limited to, the Union Station Revitalization Project in downtown Toronto. JONATHAN FRIEDMAN (Partner) OAA, MRAIC, AIA Intl. Assoc., LEED GA, MArch, BES; studied architecture at the University of Waterloo School of Architecture, where he was the recipient of numerous awards including the prestigious Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Gold Medal for his graduate work. Jonathan has worked in the offices of numerous architects including HOK where he was a project architect working on major civic buildings. Born and raised in South Africa, Jonathan has lived and travelled extensively around the world. He is a licensed architect in Ontario and member of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.

PARTISANS设计物体,设计建筑,设计城市,设计概念,甚至是想法。我们努力使不可能成为可能,使不可能成为可行,在所有的规模和媒体上。我们的好奇心是贪得无厌的,我们创造的动力是我们项目的核心。我们是一个获奖的、在国际上出版的工作室,由亚历山大-约瑟夫森和波亚-巴克塔什于2011年成立。亚历克斯-约瑟夫森(联合创始人)在滑铁卢大学建筑学院学习艺术和建筑,以及在罗马大学的马西米利亚诺-富克萨斯办公室工作。2011年,亚历克斯离开英国伦敦的建筑协会学校(AA),创办了PARTISANS。他是唯一一个获得纽约范阿伦研究所颁发的纽约奖奖学金的加拿大人。2013年,他获得了《环球邮报》的建筑和设计催化剂奖。Alex是多伦多大学丹尼尔斯建筑学院的设计讲师。POOYA BAKTASH(联合创始人)曾在伊朗德黑兰的阿扎德大学和滑铁卢大学建筑学院学习建筑。2011年,他共同创立了PARTISANS,并在重大市政项目上取得了一定的成绩,包括但不限于多伦多市中心的联合车站振兴项目。JONATHAN FRIEDMAN(合伙人) OAA, MRAIC, AIA Intl. Assoc., LEED GA, MArch, BES;在滑铁卢大学建筑学院学习建筑学,在那里他获得了许多奖项,包括著名的加拿大皇家建筑学会的研究生金奖。乔纳森曾在许多建筑师的办公室工作过,包括HOK,在那里他是一个项目建筑师,负责大型市政建筑。乔纳森在南非出生和长大,在世界各地生活和旅行。他是安大略省的执业建筑师,也是加拿大皇家建筑学会的成员。

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