Steven Holl Architects
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About USSteven Holl Architects is a 30-person innovative architecture and urban design office working globally as one office from three locations: New York City, Rhinebeck, NY and Beijing. Steven Holl leads the office with partners Chris McVoy, Noah ...
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About US

Steven Holl Architects is a 30-person innovative architecture and urban design office working globally as one office from three locations: New York City, Rhinebeck, NY and Beijing. Steven Holl leads the office with partners Chris McVoy, Noah Yaffe and Roberto Bannura.Steven Holl Architects is recognized for the ability to shape space and light with great contextual sensitivity and to catalyze the unique qualities of each project to create a concept-driven design at multiple scales, from minimal dwellings, to university works, to new hybrid models of urbanism. The firm has realized architectural works around the world, with extensive experience in the arts, campus and educational facilities, and residential work, as well as mix use and office design, public works, and master planning. Steven Holl Architects emphasizes sustainable building and site development as fundamental to innovative and imaginative design. Our projects combine sustainable technology and forward-looking approaches to urbanism and architecture. We see a sustainable approach to design and construction as an obligation to the future of the built environment and are committed to this vision in each project.Parallel to designing large scale, sustainable urban architecture, Steven Holl supports the preservation and restoration of landscape and wilderness as Lifetime Member of Sierra Club, Active Member of Scenic Hudson, Member of Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and “Advocates for Wilderness”-Member of the Wilderness Society. In 1970, Steven Holl was one of three founding members of Environmental Works at the University of Washington. Steven Holl Architects is internationally honored with architecture’s most prestigious awards, publications and exhibitions for excellence in design. Awards include the Velux Daylight Award for Daylight in Architecture (2016), the Praemium Imperiale Award for Architecture (2014), the Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects (2012), the RIBA Jencks Award (2010), the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award (2009), the Grande Médaille D’Or from the French Académie D’Architecture (2001), and the Alvar Aalto Award (1998). Steven Holl has published numerous texts and has lectured widely. He is a tenured faculty member at Columbia University where he has taught since 1981. He was named by Time magazine as “America’s Best Architect,” for creating “buildings that satisfy the spirit as well as the eye.”

史蒂文-霍尔建筑事务所是一个由30人组成的创新建筑和城市设计事务所,在全球范围内以一个办公室的形式在三个地方工作: 纽约市、纽约州Rhinebeck市和北京。史蒂文-霍尔与合伙人克里斯-麦克沃伊、诺亚-亚菲和罗伯托-班努拉共同领导该事务所。史蒂文-霍尔建筑事务所被认为有能力以高度的环境敏感性塑造空间和光线,并催化每个项目的独特品质,创造多尺度的概念驱动的设计,从最小的住宅、大学工程到新的城市主义混合模式。公司在世界各地实现了建筑作品,在艺术、校园和教育设施、住宅作品,以及混合使用和办公设计、公共工程和总体规划方面都有丰富的经验。史蒂文-霍尔建筑事务所强调可持续建筑和场地开发是创新和富有想象力的设计的基础。我们的项目结合了可持续发展技术和前瞻性的城市化和建筑方法。在设计大型可持续城市建筑的同时,史蒂文-霍尔作为塞拉俱乐部的终身会员、哈德逊风景区的积极会员、自然资源保护委员会(NRDC)的会员以及 "荒野倡导者"--荒野协会的会员,支持景观和荒野的保护和恢复。1970年,史蒂文-霍尔是华盛顿大学环境工程的三个创始成员之一。史蒂文-霍尔建筑事务所因其卓越的设计在国际上获得了建筑界最权威的奖项、出版物和展览。所获奖项包括Velux建筑日光奖(2016年)、Praemium Imperiale建筑奖(2014年)、美国建筑师协会金奖(2012年)、英国皇家建筑师协会詹克斯奖(2010年)、BBVA基金会知识前沿奖(2009年)、法国建筑学院Grande Médaille D'Or(2001年)和阿尔瓦-阿尔托奖(1998年)。史蒂文-霍尔发表了许多文章并进行了广泛的演讲。他是哥伦比亚大学的终身教职员工,自1981年以来一直在那里任教。他被《时代》杂志评为 "美国最佳建筑师",因为他创造了 "既能满足精神又能满足视觉的建筑"。

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