FujiwaraMuro Architects
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(+81) 06-6761-5577
京都 / 日本
About USWe come to the home page of Fujiwara-room architectural design office, thank you. Room Yoshio Fujiwara and Shintaro were classmates at Kinki University in Osaka, established in 2002, our firm, is the office to become the 11th year this year. ...
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About US

We come to the home page of Fujiwara-room architectural design office, thank you. Room Yoshio Fujiwara and Shintaro were classmates at Kinki University in Osaka, established in 2002, our firm, is the office to become the 11th year this year. And small houses, house scenic, I have been active in the design of the main store. Performance design extends the activities to the whole country including not only Osaka, Kansai. We propose a space and design utilizing the views of the site design in densely than 10 square meters, in other regions, I think the characteristics of the site of each of the people who live there like each other resonance in urban areas have. In the corner of WORKS, Yazukuri and is smaller but fun house, house to enjoy the view, for the first time from 30-year-old before and after, home of two dwelling toward old age, such as one-story housing and the skip floor, for a photo of various performance , since it has a description in the text and slides, I look, and I hope you'll enjoy. Respectively, Discussion slowly and carefully with your family, what kind of building is good or is not a performance numerical, to spend fun the rest of my life, it is the building that was designed based on it. What you can tell in this website has been limited. Near the you are interested in our office, those who want to advance the Yazukuri specifically, and those for the first time, If you believe the house building from land, house building is nice first and Moraeru to consult once actually is.


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