GMP Architects
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About USThe architectural practice von Gerkan, Marg and Partners was founded by Meinhard von Gerkan and Volkwin Marg in 1965. Since its inception it has grown to include three additional partners, one partner for China, eleven associate partners and ...
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About US

The architectural practice von Gerkan, Marg and Partners was founded by Meinhard von Gerkan and Volkwin Marg in 1965. Since its inception it has grown to include three additional partners, one partner for China, eleven associate partners and more than 500 employees in ten offices in Germany and abroad. gmp is one of the few practices with a generalist position, which takes responsibility for a project from the design idea and its realization right through to the interior design.Their architectural interpretation is characterized by the Vitruvian ideals of solidity, longevity and beauty. Based on the understanding, architecture earns the quality of sustainability in the sense of permanence, when not only the climatic conditions and the corresponding use of materials are accounted for, but also when the house, as an envelope for the diversity of human existence, is designed in an obvious manner. Above and beyond these demands, they build in different cultural circles in accordance with certified guidelines and in consultation with the client.For more information, visit

von Gerkan, Marg and Partners建筑事务所是由Meinhard von Gerkan和Volkwin Marg于1965年创立。自成立以来,它已经发展到包括三个额外的合伙人,一个中国合伙人,11个助理合伙人和500多名员工,在德国和国外的10个办事处。gmp是少数几个具有综合地位的事务所之一,它负责一个项目从设计理念和实现,直到室内设计。基于这种理解,当不仅考虑到气候条件和相应的材料使用,而且当房屋作为人类生存多样性的外壳,以明显的方式进行设计时,建筑就会赢得永久意义上的可持续性质量。在这些要求之上,他们在不同的文化圈中按照认证的准则并与客户协商后建造。更多信息,请访问。

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