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阿姆斯特丹 / 荷兰
About USUNStudio is an international architectural practice, situated in Amsterdam since 1988, with extensive experience in the fields of urbanism, infrastructure, public, private and utility buildings on different scale levels. At the basis of UNStu...
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About US

UNStudio is an international architectural practice, situated in Amsterdam since 1988, with extensive experience in the fields of urbanism, infrastructure, public, private and utility buildings on different scale levels. At the basis of UNStudio are a number of long-term goals, which are intended to define and guide the quality of our performance in the architectural field. We strive to make a significant contribution to the discipline of architecture, to continue to develop our qualities with respect to design, technology, knowledge and management and to be a specialist in public network projects. We see as mutually sustaining the environment, market demands and client wishes that enable our work, and we aim for results in which our goals and our client’s goals overlap. In 2009 UNStudio Asia was established, with its first office located in Shanghai, China. UNStudio Asia is a full daughter of UNStudio and is intricately connected to UNStudio Amsterdam. Initially serving to facilitate the design process for the Raffles City project in Hangzhou, it is envisioned that UNStudio Asia will expand to a stable multinational team of all-round and specialist architects.

UNStudio 由 Ben van Berkel 与 Caroline Bos 于 1988 年创办,是一家国际建筑设计事务所, 专业范畴含盖建筑、 城市规划、 基础设施、 室内及产品设计。 2010年成立UNStudio Asia,并于上海设立第一间办公室。事务所现设有四个办事处,分别位于阿姆斯特丹、上海、香港和法兰克福。具备 30 年的国际项目经验, UNStudio 拥有强大的国际合作伙伴网络, 无论身处任何地方都能与全球顶尖的顾问及专家高效协作。事务所拥有超过 120 个项目遍布亚洲、 欧洲及北美地区,并持续扩张全球业务, 近年在中国、 南韩、 卡塔尔、 德国以及英国等地都获得委任。

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