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About USPenda China Founded in 2013 , is a Beijing-based studio for delivering a multiplicity of projects that celebrate innovative and sustainable design. Then the firm has since proceeded with a gradual growth into a multidisciplinary practice cove...
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About US

Penda China Founded in 2013 , is a Beijing-based studio for delivering a multiplicity of projects that celebrate innovative and sustainable design. Then the firm has since proceeded with a gradual growth into a multidisciplinary practice covering a wide spectrum ranging from architecture, landscape, installation art and such, just to name a few. Our firm is a stickler for ‘LESS IS LOVE’. From an ecological standpoint of ‘minimum effort to maximum effect’ , we stand up for the feasible solutions to establish an agreeable rapport between individuals and their surroundings through our design without further discounting the proper consideration for an emphasis on fashion, aesthetics and the zeitgeist. Our designs garnered us many honours and extended actual influence within a worldwide scene. Hongkun Art Gallery (alternatively known as ‘Hongkun Museum of Fine Arts’) was selected to be one out of ten the most popular art galleries in Beijing by Time Out (2014). We were shortlisted for one of the most influential Chinese designers by the prestigious the Architectural Digest AD100 (2015) and so were in 2017 and 2019; We won the Architizer A+ Award for Emerging Firm of the Year (2016); concurrently we were ranked 77th in Dezeen Hot List 2016 along with another two Chinese practices, i.e. MAD and Neri&Hu. Founders Sun Dayong has been widely regarded as an iconic character amongst the architects of 80’s birth cohort. He won the accolades including Rising Star Designer of JINTANG PRIZE (2015), CHINA NEO POWER INTERIOR DESIGN AWARD (2016), 40 UNDER 40 (2018), Jin Teng Award (2018); invited to attend CHINA HOUSE VISION (2018, Curated by Kenya Hara), appointed as the mere judge from the Greater China of Evolo (2018), picked as Person of the Year by TRENDS HOME (2019), inducted as a judge for Dezeen Awards (2020), and selected to be Architect of the Year by Robb Report Lifestyle (2020). Our clients include BMW, MINI (CN), Volkswagen, Vanke, Qihao Xingye, China Merchants Property, etc. Equipped with our belief ‘Design knows no boundaries.’, our collaboration with the clients above-mentioned but not limited to them set us free from a mere one domain and offers us a broader scope to deliver cultural, residential, commercial, community, hospitality projects. As might be expected, those projects have managed to spark interests of global acclaimed media, such as Dezeen, Archdaily, Designboom, Domus, Frame and Interior Design; moreover, regionally-based international printing magazines like INTERIORS (Country/Region of Manufacture: South Korea), CASA (Japan), Wall Paper (UK), GQ (China Mainland), COSMOPOLITAN (China Mainland), and AD (China Mainland). Domestically, our projects are welcomed by celebrated digital and print media including TRENDS HOME, Rayli Home, Ideat, AT, World Architecture Review, World Architecture, etc.

Penda China /槃达中国建筑事务所成立于2013年,是立足于中国北京以创新为宗旨的具有国际影响力的建筑事务所。捕捉艺术、时尚和建筑的时代气息,以绿色生态价值观践行“LESS IS LOVE(少即是爱)”的创作理念,营造人与环境的和谐关系。项目包含从建筑、景观到室内和艺术装置等不同类型,业态涵盖文化、居住、酒店、办公、交通、商业、展览等多种功能。同时与宝马、MINI中国、大众、万科、启皓、招商地产、佳兆业、万华地产等众多国内外著名品牌进行合作。 Penda China 时尚、绿色、创新的设计使事务所受到业界广泛关注,获得众多奖项荣誉。作品鸿坤美术馆被Time Out杂志评为北京最受关注的的十家美术馆之一。四次入选AD100——最有影响力的中国设计师榜;2016年事务所荣获美国Architizer+Awards奖国际年度新锐设计事务所奖; 2018年作为十位建筑师之一受邀参加原研哉先生策展的首届CHINA HOUSE VISION未来生活大展;2021年获得英国Dezeen Awards年度新兴建筑事务所提名;创始人及主创建筑师孙大勇先生也曾受邀作为Evolo、Dezeen Award等著名国际知名竞赛的评委,在国际设计平台代表中国建筑师发声;也被《时尚家居》、《罗博报告》等著名杂志评为年度人物和年度建筑师等荣誉。 Penda China的作品也获得过众多国内外奖项,2014鸿坤美术馆荣获中国上海“金外滩奖”最佳公共空间奖;2015鸿咖啡项目荣获“金堂奖”年度最佳餐饮空间设计奖;2015 万科同乐会项目荣获“金堂奖”年度最佳休闲娱乐空间设计奖;2015雪宅荣获美国Architizer+Awards最佳居住空间室内设计奖;2016 万科同乐汇和荣获意大利 A’设计奖的金奖;2016节节攀升生态未来建筑装置荣获意大利 A’设计奖银奖;2021年海口文明东隧道荣获World Design Awards建筑奖;同时也获得德国Iconic建筑奖提名、意大利The plan建筑奖、Wall paper2021最佳基建项目提名等。 Penda China的作品也受邀参加过众多国内外展览, 2012参加中央美院美术馆 “千里之行”央美优秀建筑毕业作品展;2012德国/意大利AIT 国际青年建筑师创作交流展;2014法国里昂“造——建筑中国展”; 2015 中国北京“建筑中国 1000展”;2015北京中华世纪坛“10×100―UED 十年百名建筑师展”;2015北京国际设计周节节攀升生态装置展;2015深圳“深港城市|建筑双城双年展”;2016意大利米兰家具展“行走的盒子”展;2016上海喜马拉雅美术馆“山水城市重构乌托邦建筑展”; 2017上海“MINI60 周年回顾展”;2018中国北京 China House Vision 理想家中国大展;2021成都“家园共栖”建筑双年展等。 同时Penda China的作品被Dezeen, Archdaily, Designboom, Domus, Frame, Interior Design,谷德、有方、《INTERIORS》(韩),《CASA》(日),《Wall Paper》(英)、《智族GQ》, 《时尚COSMO》, 《安邸AD》, 《IDEAT理想家》, 《时尚家居》, 《瑞丽家居》,《UED》《AT建筑技艺》, 《新建筑》,《建筑导报》,《世界建筑》等国内外主流媒体报道。

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