Urban Fabric
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杭州 / 中国
About Urbanfabric Design “城”,取自古典城邑之墙垣,内蕴外拓,寓意我们对城市空间结构的理解和塑造; “理”,古时叫“治玉”,即为顺着纹路把玉从璞中剖分出来。而在现代中指处理问题按照事物发展的规律和自然进化规则来考虑的态度,映射出现代理性思维的精髓。 城理设计擅长以客观理性的方式来协助客户梳理复杂的设计问题,致力于发现项目独特的“纹理”。在创造出外在内敛雅致、内在底蕴深厚作品的同时,不断追求实现城市和建筑空间利用的在地性、丰富性和可持续性。 ...

About Urbanfabric Design




"城" is taken from the walls of classical cities, which are internal and external, implying our understanding and shaping of urban spatial structure;

"理" was called "curing jade" in ancient times, which means to separate jade from the rough stone along the lines. In modern times, it refers to the attitude of dealing with problems according to the laws of development of things and the rules of natural evolution, reflecting the essence of agential thinking.

Urbanfabric Design is good at assisting customers to sort out complex design problems in an objective and rational way, and is committed to discovering the unique "texture" of the project. While creating works with restrained elegance on the outside and profound inner heritage, it constantly pursues the locality, richness and sustainability of urban and architectural space utilization.

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