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About USL&A Design (Stock Code: 300949) is one of the leading cultural and creative companies dedicated to land planning, urban design, landscape architecture and resort planning in China.L&A was established in the year of 2001.Mr. Bo Li was responsi...

About US

L&A Design (Stock Code: 300949) is one of the leading cultural and creative companies dedicated to land planning, urban design, landscape architecture and resort planning in China.L&A was established in the year of 2001.Mr. Bo Li was responsible as Chief Designer until now. Ms. Clara Li joined L&A in 2002.Under her leadership, L&A has established branch offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'an, Qingdao, Chengdu, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Dongguan, Jinan, Haikou, Suzhou,Shenyang and Xiamen, also sub-brand “La V-onderland” “Floral Fairyland”.Together they serve clients all over the great region of China. Till now L&A has accomplished about 4000 reputable landscape and urban design projects in China with many won national awards.L&A takes pride in its dynamic international design team, with over 1700 professionals from all over the world, as well as experienced local registered architects, landscape architects, planners and project managers.

奥雅股份(股票代码:300949)于2001年在改革开放前沿深圳蛇口创立,公司前身为1999年在香港成立的奥雅(香港)园境师事务所。2021年于深圳证券交易所上市,是目前国内首家以景观设计为主业的上市公司,李宝章先生自创立起担任首席设计师;2002年,李方悦女士加盟奥雅成为联合创始人并担任董事总经理,现任董事、总裁。经过二十余年的引领发展,公司已成为以创意设计为引领、以运营管理为先导、以数字科技为支撑的美好人居环境综合服务商,发展成为新型城镇化土地开发及综合文旅开发的大型文创机构,业务涵盖景观设计及以创意设计为主导的EPC总承包业务。目前以深圳为总部,在香港、上海、北京、西安、青岛、成都、长沙、郑州、武汉、广州、重庆、杭州、天津、东莞、济南、海口、苏州、沈阳、厦门设有28家分子公司,其中有奥雅文旅运营(厦门)、绽放科技等7家控股子公司及参股公司,拥有由超过1700位行业精英组成国际化专业团队。旗下拥有洛嘉儿童La V-onderland、棠悦Floral Fairyland、城嘉CityPlus、芊熹科技Qianxi Technology等多个专业子品牌,在全国三十一个省市及自治区已落地完成近4000个项目。致力成为美好人居环境的综合服务商,主要从事景观规划与设计研发,以及以创意设计为主导的EPC总承包业务。其中包括:策划与经济分析、概念性规划、生态规划与设计、城市设计、景观园林设计、建筑设计、室内装饰设计、软装设计、儿童空间与活动设施研发,儿童自然与艺术教育,平面视觉和产品设计等业务。

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