Paragon Interface
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Paragon Interface 是一家总部位于南非约翰内斯堡的国际化空间规划和室内建筑公司。它隶属于Paragon集团,专注于为雄心勃勃和创新的客户提供完整的企业工作空间设计和实施服务。 Paragon Interface Paragon集团成立于1997年10月,是一个活跃在国际上的非洲高端设计企业集团,专注于打造高知名度的项目。集团包括以下几个主要部门: Paragon Architects:作为南非...
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Paragon Interface 是一家总部位于南非约翰内斯堡的国际化空间规划和室内建筑公司。它隶属于Paragon集团,专注于为雄心勃勃和创新的客户提供完整的企业工作空间设计和实施服务。

Paragon Interface


Paragon Architects:作为南非和非洲的建筑创新者和思想领袖,Paragon Architects在多个领域拥有多样化的项目组合。我们将建筑视为一门工艺,工作中充满对建筑过程的热情,并积极拥抱技术,将其作为连接建筑与其他设计学科的桥梁。

Paragon Interface Architects:这是一家国际化的空间规划和室内建筑公司,专为企业、酒店和零售业的雄心勃勃和创新客户提供完整的工作空间设计和实施服务。

Paragon Architects South Africa:作为一家充满活力和创新精神的本地南非建筑公司,Paragon Architects South Africa提供全方位的设计、文档编制和合同管理服务,涵盖房地产行业的多个领域。我们致力于非洲,相信其城市的未来。我们灵活多样的设计方法使每个项目都独具特色,响应用户需求。优雅高效的规划是我们设计的核心。我们了解客户需求,能够在竞争激烈的房地产市场中创造出前沿的建筑形式和空间。我们以积极参与现代全球建筑行业的所有机会而闻名,能够在各个层面与所有参与者互动。我们的建筑和空间面向未来,拥抱未来的挑战和机遇。

Paragon Interface is an internationally active space planning and interior architecture business based in Johannesburg, South Africa. It is part of the Paragon Group and specializes in delivering comprehensive corporate workspace designs and implementation services for ambitious and innovative clients.

Established in October 1997, The Paragon Group is an internationally active African Group of high-profile design businesses that deliver highly visible projects.

The Paragon Group comprises:

Paragon Architects
Paragon Architects is acknowledged as an innovator and thought leader in architecture through South Africa and Africa alike. With a diverse portfolio that ranges across various sectors, we understand architecture as craft. Our work is driven by true passion for the process of architecture. We embrace technology and all it offers as the enabling connector between architecture and other design disciplines.
Paragon Interface Architects
As an internationally active space planning and interior architecture business, Paragon Interface delivers a complete range of workspace design and implementation services for ambitious and innovative clients in the corporate, hospitality and retail sectors.
Paragon Architects South Africa
A dynamic and innovative local South African architectural business, Paragon Architects South Africa offers a full-service practice delivering the complete range of design, documentation and contract management service across a range of sectors in the property industry. Paragon is committed to Africa and we believe in the future of its cities. Our roots are here. We are able and agile, and actively participate in the continent’s urban and human development. Paragon is flexible and diverse in its approach to design. Each project is unique and is driven by lifestyle and a response to user needs. Elegant and efficient planning forms the core of our designs. We understand the needs of our clients and know how to generate cutting edge architectural forms and spaces in a competitive property market. We are known for our hands-on engagement with all opportunities present in the modern global building industry. The true measure of our skill is our ability to engage at all levels and with all players that make up the colourful world of construction and property development. Our buildings and spaces look forward. We embrace the future, because we will be a part of it – part of its challenges and responsibilities, and part of its great freedoms and achievements.

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