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OPEN是一家国际知名建筑事务所,由李虎和黄文菁创立于纽约,2008年建立北京工作室。主要作品包括:UCCA沙丘美术馆、山谷音乐厅、烟台时光塔、上海油罐艺术中心、苏州山峰书院、上海青浦平和双语学校、深圳坪山大剧院、清华大学海洋中心、北京四中房山校区、歌华营地体验中心等。 OPEN与跨越不同领域的合作者一起实践城市设计、景观设计、建筑设计、室内设计及设计策略的研究与创造。OPEN相信建筑以其创新的力量,可以影响和改变人们的生活方式,同时在建造与自然之间达成平衡。 OPEN的作品在国际上赢得了广泛...
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OPEN的作品在国际上赢得了广泛的关注和认可,曾获得亚建协建筑奖金奖、亚洲最具影响力设计大奖、欧洲杰出建筑师论坛建筑奖、WA中国建筑奖优胜奖、中国建筑学会创作奖金奖、中国建筑传媒奖最佳建筑奖、美国AIA国际设计奖最高荣誉奖、美国AIA教育建筑奖优胜奖、美国P/A进步建筑奖、英国AR未来建筑奖、英国Civic Trust Awards大奖、加拿大AZ设计大奖、德国标志性设计奖最佳建筑奖等。
近年来,OPEN也应邀参加了很多重要的国际展览,如2021年第17届威尼斯国际建筑双年展、2020伦敦设计博物馆年度最佳设计展、2018年 China House Vision探索家——未来生活大展、2017年意大利维罗纳的“城市灵魂”展、2015年首届芝加哥建筑双年展、2014年第14届威尼斯国际建筑双年展等,其作品被纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)和香港M+博物馆收藏。
OPEN is a renowned architecture office collaborating across different disciplines to practice urban design, landscape design, architectural design, and interior design, as well as the research and production of design strategies in the context of new challenges. We believe in the innovative power of architecture to transform people and the way they live, while striking a new balance between the manmade and nature.
OPEN was founded by LI Hu and HUANG Wenjing in New York City. It established its Beijing office in 2008. Some major projects by OPEN include: UCCA Dune Art Museum, Chapel of Sound, Sun Tower, Tank Shanghai, Shanfeng Academy, Shanghai Qingpu Pinghe International School, Pingshan Performing Arts Center, Tsinghua Ocean Center, Garden School/Beijing No.4 High School Fangshan Campus, and Gehua Youth and Cultural Center.
OPEN has been widely recognized for its innovative work. Recent awards the firm received include the AIA International Design Awards Honor Award (US), Arcasia Awards Gold Award, Design for Asia Awards, LEAF Awards (EU), AR Future Project Awards (UK), P/A Awards (US), AZ Awards (CAN), AIA Education Facility Design Award of Excellence (US), Civic Trust Awards (UK), Iconic Awards Best of Best (GER), and the Winning Prize of the WA Awards for Chinese Architecture, among many others.
OPEN’s work has been widely published and frequently exhibited around the world, such as the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennale, Venice Biennale, London Design Museum, and collected by Museum of Modern Art in New York, and M+ Museum in Hong Kong.

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