OOIIO Architecture
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About USOOIIO is an international team of architects, designers and engineers engaged in finding this special “I don´t know what it is” that makes a work unique, exciting and able for transmit sensations on a way that a vulgar work will never get.In ...
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About US

OOIIO is an international team of architects, designers and engineers engaged in finding this special “I don´t know what it is” that makes a work unique, exciting and able for transmit sensations on a way that a vulgar work will never get.In OOIIO we know that not every construction is architecture.We do architecture.OOIIO creative process is completely open and random. When we start a project we never know how it will end, what will come out, that’s why we introduced throughout the design process countless stimulus and references from any kind that may improve the final design. These are usually unexpected and we find them everywhere, like in the geometry of a mineral that seems attractive, a traditional dish of the place where the project is built, the shape and colors of a vase, a tree or a graffiti that we found painted on a wall.This constant search for poetical links to architecture through everything around us makes us look at the world with wide open eyes and helps us to get every project as the result of a unique creative process, making each OOIIO project special and standed out.

OOIIO是一个由建筑师、设计师和工程师组成的国际团队,致力于寻找这种特殊的 "我不知道它是什么",使作品独特、令人兴奋,并能以一种庸俗作品永远无法获得的方式传递感觉。在OOIIO,我们知道不是每个建筑都是建筑。当我们开始一个项目时,我们永远不知道它将如何结束,会有什么结果,这就是为什么我们在整个设计过程中引入了无数的刺激和参考,从任何一种可能改善最终设计的方式。这些通常是出乎意料的,我们在任何地方都能找到它们,比如在一个看起来很有吸引力的矿物的几何形状,项目所在地的传统菜肴,一个花瓶的形状和颜色,一棵树或我们在墙上发现的涂鸦。这种通过我们周围的一切不断寻找与建筑的诗意联系,使我们睁大眼睛看世界,帮助我们得到每个项目作为一个独特的创作过程的结果,使每个OOIIO项目特别和脱颖而出。

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