Waterfrom Design
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About USEstablished in 2008, Waterfrom Design straddles both the interior design and the architecture field, believing that design should be like water, simple and pure, organic and ever-changing, retaining the simple, neatness of water’s essence, an...
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About US

Established in 2008, Waterfrom Design straddles both the interior design and the architecture field, believing that design should be like water, simple and pure, organic and ever-changing, retaining the simple, neatness of water’s essence, and displaying possibilities without framework in concept. We strive to give attention to the story and context of the space and time, to create spaces that can convey messages, and let emotions settle and mature. In recent years, Waterfrom Design has received the Golden Pin Award, Asia Pacific Interior Design Award, Taiwan Interior Design Award, and their work has been reported by the Italian, Dutch, French, Korean and other international media.

『水的形狀來自承載容器,以無垠想像適應環境變化。』 成立於2008年的水相設計跨足室內與建築領域,秉持設計應如『水』的初衷,純淨、有機又多變,本質上保持其原有的簡潔性,意念上展現無框架的可能性。我們致力關注於空間的故事脈絡及時間光線,創造一個具有情感沉澱及訊息想像的空間。近年來,水相設計陸續榮獲iF、A’Design、國家金點獎、Asia Pacific Interior Design Award、Taiwan Interior Design Award、IIDA、BoY等獎項殊榮,作品也深受義、荷、法、韓等國際媒體報導。

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