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About USWTD GROUP was established by Gao Jinghua and Ms. Li Hui in Chongqing in 2005, the Shanghai branch was established in 2011, and the Wuhan branch was designed in 2021. With the design mission of "extending the vitality of space", WTD focuses on...
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About US

WTD GROUP was established by Gao Jinghua and Ms. Li Hui in Chongqing in 2005, the Shanghai branch was established in 2011, and the Wuhan branch was designed in 2021. With the design mission of "extending the vitality of space", WTD focuses on providing enterprises with professional design services such as landscape design, urban and rural planning and design, cultural and tourism project consultants, and landscape research and development innovation. In the design, we pay attention to the relationship between the natural system and the urban social system, respect nature, the land and the people who live there, and establish a harmonious coexistence of people, scenery and land. Find the method and context of dialogue and communication with nature and people, and extend the vitality of space with scenery and environment. WTD has a professional design team of more than 200 people. It has been selected as "one of the 20 interesting young representatives" by Good Design Network. In 2020, many of WTD's works were selected as the best book of ASLA 2020 "New Vision: Contemporary Chinese Landscape". Eight Perspectives of Design. Over the years, we have built several well-known projects with outstanding domestic real estate companies and some government agencies with continuous breakthrough innovation and professional design management services, and have gained a good reputation in the industry. We take freedom, equality, fairness, and innovation as our core values, build a bottom-up life community, and achieve a state of common growth through the superposition of individual strengths, thereby creating higher-dimensional creativity.

WTD纬图设计是由高静华和李卉女士于2005年在重庆成立,2011年设立上海分部,2021年设计武汉分部。 以“延伸空间生命力“为设计使命,纬图专注于为企业提供景观设计、城乡规划与设计、文旅项目顾问、景观研发创新等专业设计服务。在设计中,我们关注自然系统与城市社会系统的关联,尊重自然、土地及在此生活的人,建立起人、景、地的和谐共生。找到与自然、与人对话交流的方法与语境,以景,以境,延伸空间生命力。 纬图拥有一支200余人的专业设计团队,曾被谷德设计网评选为“有趣的20位年轻代表之一”,2020年,纬图多个作品入选ASLA2020年最佳图书《新视野:当代中国景观设计的八个视角》。多年来我们以不断突破的创新力和专业的设计管理服务,与国内优秀地产企业及部分政府机构共同打造了数个知名项目,收获了良好的业界声誉。我们以自由,平等,公平,创新为核心价值观,构建起一个自下而上生长的生命共同体,通过个体力量的叠加达到一种共同生长的状态,从而创造出更高维度的创意。

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