Jean Verville architectes
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魁北克 / 加拿大
About USArchitectural design company based in Quebec,Verville lives and works in Montreal, where he divides his time between his eponymous architectural firm and his pursuit of a Ph.D. in Arts Studies and Practices at the Université de Québec à Mo...
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About US

Architectural design company based in Quebec,Verville lives and works in Montreal, where he divides his time between his eponymous architectural firm and his pursuit of a Ph.D. in Arts Studies and Practices at the Université de Québec à Montréal. In both his study and his work, Verville focuses on the place where art and design converge. “At this point, my theme is about mixing domesticity, architecture, and art experience,” says Verville, dressed in a black turtleneck and gold, wire-framed glasses. “Where is the tension between art experience and the functionality of architecture? How can we mix them to live in a piece of art, not just a house?” As cities expand, skylines grow ever taller, and architects search for innovative ways to house the world’s booming population, there has never been a more crucial time to reexamine the way we live. Jean Verville’s work does exactly this, using an artist’s sensibility to create domestic spaces that are not just functional, but uplifting, too.

位于魁北克的建筑设计公司,Verville在蒙特利尔生活和工作,在那里他把时间分配给他的同名建筑公司和他在蒙特利尔魁北克大学攻读艺术研究和实践的博士学位。在他的研究和他的工作中,Verville专注于艺术和设计的交汇之处。"在这一点上,我的主题是关于混合家庭性、建筑和艺术体验,"穿着黑色高领衫和金色线框眼镜的Verville说。"艺术体验和建筑的功能之间的张力在哪里?我们怎样才能把它们混合起来,让它们生活在一件艺术品中,而不仅仅是一座房子?" 随着城市的扩张,天际线越来越高,建筑师们在寻找创新的方式来容纳世界上蓬勃发展的人口,现在是重新审视我们的生活方式的最关键时刻。Jean Verville的作品正是这样做的,他用艺术家的感觉创造出的家庭空间不仅是功能性的,而且是振奋人心的。

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