IDIN Architects
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曼谷 / 泰国
About USFounded in 2004, IDIN Architects Co., Ltd. is the acronym of Integrating Design Into Nature. It conveys our philosophy in both English and Thai languages. In English, it portrays how we can merge architecture with nature in many different way...
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About US

Founded in 2004, IDIN Architects Co., Ltd. is the acronym of Integrating Design Into Nature. It conveys our philosophy in both English and Thai languages. In English, it portrays how we can merge architecture with nature in many different ways and why it matters. In Thai, the term “I-DIN” also refers to the beautiful scent after rainfall. Hence it perfectly implies the Tropical climate of Thailand. Nature can be defined as the ecology around us, the context, and referring to the difference in personalities of people or clients – in other words, the nature of an individual. The design philosophy of IDIN is to merge this sense of surrounding, the ‘natures,’ to the architectural aesthetic. Our emphasis is placed not only on aesthetics but on a dynamic balance between aesthetics and practicality so that the architecture can suit this hot and humid environment and create a meaningful experience.Working in a firmed company for years and achieved three consecutive Thailand’s significant awards during 1999-2003, I reflected on setting up my architectural design company in the following year. The company name shares my personal inspiration and passion for tropical design and interest in context. Like any other young company, IDIN Architects started its paces in the world of architectural design with just a small team of architects. By that time, the public interest in architectural design was still limited in Thailand. Private houses and small resorts are the types of projects that we carried out during the first period. Looking retrospectively, it seems that IDIN faced the turning points every five years. In 2010, IDIN Architects received an award for the project “Phuket Gateway” in ASA Architectural Design Award by The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage. It was a great award for such a young firm. Plus, W House was completed in the same period. Due to its unique character and concept, it had been recognized by various publishing media in the Thai and the international scene. Later, IDIN had been increasingly well known and received new opportunities to broaden the portfolio in several types of projects. After all, when such new projects had been completed in 2015, including KA House, Siri House, Lima Duva Resort, and Choui Fong Tea Café, they were well-received in several publications and won several awards in Thailand as well as abroad. It was a successful year of IDIN since the works are appreciated by the public audience, despite our small company of fewer than ten people. It was a significant change of IDIN to grow up and ready to step further in the field. Then IDIN had been moving up to a larger scale of projects. In 2020, another turning point of IDIN is to have the first monograph published for an international audience. The selected ten key projects cover several types and scales of house, resort and hotel, public building. They include not only newly built but also renovation projects. All the projects lively express the core value and concept of IDIN. Each conveys a different response towards the idea: how the design can integrate into nature where the idea of “nature” can be interpreted and interrelated with the project characteristics and conditions. In final words, the ten projects perfectly describe how IDIN works.

IDIN建筑事务所有限公司成立于2004年,是Integrating Design Into Nature的首字母缩写。它以英文和泰文两种语言传达了我们的理念。在英语中,它描绘了我们如何以许多不同的方式将建筑与自然融合在一起,以及它为什么重要。在泰语中,"I-DIN "一词也指降雨后的美丽气味。因此,它完美地暗示了泰国的热带气候。自然可以被定义为我们周围的生态环境、背景,并指人或客户的个性差异--换句话说,就是个人的本性。IDIN的设计理念是将这种周围的感觉,"自然 "与建筑美学相结合。我们强调的不仅仅是美学,而是美学和实用性之间的动态平衡,使建筑能够适应这种湿热的环境,并创造一种有意义的体验。在一家成熟的公司工作多年,并在1999-2003年期间连续获得三个泰国的重要奖项,我考虑在第二年成立我的建筑设计公司。公司的名字与我个人对热带设计的灵感和热情以及对环境的兴趣相同。像其他年轻的公司一样,IDIN建筑事务所在建筑设计的世界里开始了它的步伐,只有一个小的建筑师团队。那时,在泰国,公众对建筑设计的兴趣还很有限。私人住宅和小型度假村是我们在第一个时期开展的项目类型。回顾过去,IDIN似乎每五年就会面临一次转折点。2010年,IDIN建筑师事务所凭借 "普吉岛门户 "项目获得了由皇家赞助的暹罗建筑师协会颁发的ASA建筑设计奖。对于这样一个年轻的公司来说,这是一个伟大的奖项。另外,W之家也在同一时期完成。由于其独特的个性和概念,它被泰国和国际上的各种出版媒体所认可。后来,IDIN的知名度越来越高,并获得了新的机会,在多种类型的项目中扩大了投资组合。毕竟,当这些新项目在2015年完成时,包括KA House、Siri House、Lima Duva Resort和Choui Fong Tea Café,它们在一些出版物上受到好评,并在泰国以及国外获得了一些奖项。这是IDIN成功的一年,因为尽管我们的公司规模不大,只有不到10个人,但作品得到了公众的赞赏。这是IDIN成长的一个重要变化,并准备在这个领域进一步发展。然后,IDIN一直在向更大的项目规模迈进。在2020年,IDIN的另一个转折点是为国际读者出版第一本专著。

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