Zaha Hadid Architects
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Zaha Hadid Architects Zaha Hadid, founding partner of Zaha Hadid Architects, was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2004 and is internationally known for her built, theoretical and academic work. Each of her dynamic and innovative projec...
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Zaha Hadid Architects

Zaha Hadid, founding partner of Zaha Hadid Architects, was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2004 and is internationally known for her built, theoretical and academic work. Each of her dynamic and innovative projects builds on over thirty years of revolutionary experimentation and research in the interrelated fields of urbanism, architecture and design. Working with senior office partner Patrik Schumacher, Hadid's interest is in the rigorous interface between architecture, landscape, and geology as the practice integrates natural topography and human-made systems that lead to experimentation with cutting-edge technologies. Such a process often results in unexpected and dynamic architectural forms. The MAXXI: National Museum of 21st Century Art in Rome, BMW Central Building in Leipzig and Phaeno Science Center in Wolfsburg are excellent demonstrations of the practice’s quest for complex, dynamic space. Previous seminal buildings, such as the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art in Cincinnati and Hoenheim-Nord Terminus in Strasbourg have also been hailed as architecture that transforms our vision of the future with new spatial concepts and bold, visionary forms.

Currently, the practice is working on a multitude of projects including; the Fiera di Milano master-plan and tower, the Aquatics Centre for the London 2012 Olympic Games, High-Speed Train Stations in Naples and Durango, the CMA CGM Head Office tower in Marseille and urban master-plans in Beijing, Bilbao, Istanbul, Singapore and the Middle East.Zaha Hadid Architects continues to be a global leader in pioneering research and design investigation. Collaborations with artists, designers, engineers and clients that lead their industries have advanced the practice’s diversity and knowledge, whilst the implementation of state-of-the-art technologies have aided the realization of fluid, dynamic and therefore complex architectural structures.Zaha Hadid’s work was the subject of a critically-acclaimed retrospective exhibition at New York’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in 2006 and showcased at London’s Design Museum in 2007. Hadid’s recently completed projects include the Nordpark Railway stations in Innsbruck, Mobile Art for Chanel in Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York, the Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion in Spain and the Burnham Pavilion in Chicago.

Aliyev Cultural Centre
Zaha Hadid Architects: Aliyev Cultural Centre Project
扎哈-哈迪德是扎哈-哈迪德建筑事务所的创始合伙人,于2004年获得普利兹克建筑奖,并因其建筑、理论和学术工作而闻名国际。她的每一个充满活力和创新的项目都建立在三十多年来在城市化、建筑和设计等相互关联的领域进行的革命性实验和研究之上。与办公室高级合伙人Patrik Schumacher合作,哈迪德的兴趣在于建筑、景观和地质之间的严格衔接,因为该实践整合了自然地形和人造系统,导致了对尖端技术的实验。这样的过程往往会产生出乎意料的动态建筑形式。MAXXI: 罗马的国家21世纪艺术博物馆、莱比锡的宝马中心大厦和沃尔夫斯堡的Phaeno科学中心都是该实践对复杂、动态空间的追求的绝佳展示。以前的开创性建筑,如辛辛那提的罗森塔尔当代艺术中心和斯特拉斯堡的霍恩海姆-北方终点站,也被誉为以新的空间概念和大胆、有远见的形式改变我们对未来的看法的建筑。

目前,扎哈-哈迪德建筑事务所正在进行大量的项目,包括:米兰国际机场总体规划和塔楼、2012年伦敦奥运会水上运动中心、那不勒斯和杜兰戈的高速列车站、马赛的CMA CGM总部大楼以及北京、毕尔巴鄂、伊斯坦布尔、新加坡和中东地区的城市总体规划。与艺术家、设计师、工程师和引领行业发展的客户的合作促进了事务所的多样性和知识,而最先进的技术的实施有助于实现流动、动态和复杂的建筑结构。扎哈-哈迪德的作品是2006年在纽约所罗门-R-古根海姆博物馆举办的备受好评的回顾展的主题,2007年在伦敦设计博物馆展出。哈迪德最近完成的项目包括因斯布鲁克的Nordpark火车站,香港、东京和纽约的香奈儿移动艺术,西班牙的萨拉戈萨大桥展馆和芝加哥的伯纳姆展馆。
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