TAO-Trace Architecture Office
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北京 / 中国
About USTAO (TRACE ARCHITECTURE OFFICE) was founded by Li Hua in 2009 in Beijing. It is a design studio committed to architecture, urban, landscape and furniture design.Trace is surviving mark of things, and evidence of  time fragments accumulation. ...
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About US

TAO (TRACE ARCHITECTURE OFFICE) was founded by Li Hua in 2009 in Beijing. It is a design studio committed to architecture, urban, landscape and furniture design.Trace is surviving mark of things, and evidence of  time fragments accumulation. The production of architecture is a process with confrontation of various will powers and values, full of contradiction and complexity. Architecture itself is a record of its time and nature.Looking at “trace and process” suggests our approach to architecture. TAO is concerned with the social, cultural and ecological significance in making process of architecture from design to construction; While architecture always face the conflict between past, present and future, between regional and global, between individual and collective, TAO rejects a simple and brutal attitude and explores how to achieve a subtle balance.

迹.建筑事务所(TAO),由建筑师华黎于2009年在北京创立,是当今中国建筑领域最活跃的设计团队之一。 在TAO的实践中,建筑并非仅仅被视为一个形式物体,而是被理解为一个与其环境不可分割的有机体。TAO的项目大多处于具有鲜明的自然以及历史人文特征的场地中,其设计实践通过深入挖掘建筑的场所意义以及充分运用此时此地的条件,营造根植于地域文化与环境的建筑和景观,并诠释其营造过程中涉及的丰富意义。场所精神、场地及气候回应、当地资源合理利用,以及因地制宜的材料与建造方式等命题的探讨,构成了TAO每个项目工作的核心内容。

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