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马德里 / 西班牙
About USZooco is an architectural studio founded in 2009 by Miguel Crespo Picot, Javier Guzmán Benito and Sixto Martín Martínez, architects by the School of Architecture of Madrid. The study covers a wide spectrum from the design perspective. From l...
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About US

Zooco is an architectural studio founded in 2009 by Miguel Crespo Picot, Javier Guzmán Benito and Sixto Martín Martínez, architects by the School of Architecture of Madrid. The study covers a wide spectrum from the design perspective. From large-scale building to furniture design. The adapted solutions to the client and their needs, and the use of a timeless language, are the hallmarks of a studio in permanent search of new challenges. Currently, we have offices in Madrid and Santander, where we develop projects both nationally and internationally. The work during these ten years covers more than 50 works published in national and international specialized media, some of which have been recognized in various awards such as the prestigious Design Vanguard 2019, NAN Construction 2019 + 2020, Frame Awards 2020, or the European 40 under 40 2020. Recently, Zooco has been chosen by Forbes magazine as one of the 100 most creative Spanish people in the business world.

Zooco是一个建筑工作室,由马德里建筑学院的建筑师Miguel Crespo Picot、Javier Guzmán Benito和Sixto Martín Martínez于2009年成立。 该研究从设计角度涵盖了广泛的范围。从大型建筑到家具设计。适应客户及其需求的解决方案,以及使用永恒的语言,是一个永久寻求新挑战的工作室的标志。 目前,我们在马德里和桑坦德设有办事处,我们在那里开发国内和国际项目。这十年间的作品涵盖了50多个在国内和国际专业媒体上发表的作品,其中一些作品在各种奖项中得到了认可,如著名的2019年设计先锋奖、2019+2020年NAN建筑奖、2020年框架奖或2020年欧洲40岁以下青年奖。最近,Zooco被《福布斯》杂志选为商业世界中最具创造力的100位西班牙人之一。

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