Golucci Interior Architects
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About USGolucci Interior Architects brings spaces to life for some of the world's most iconic F&B brands. Tactile, layered, and immersive interiors have established our reputation for masterful storytelling through design, and have made our hospitali...

About US

Golucci Interior Architects brings spaces to life for some of the world's most iconic F&B brands. Tactile, layered, and immersive interiors have established our reputation for masterful storytelling through design, and have made our hospitality and restaurant projects award-winning and time -tested.Golucci Interior Architects is the Taiwanese designer LEE Hsuheng's 20 years of experience imagining and realizing extraordinary interiors. Fueled by a singular vision to create unforgettable design experiences, we have cultivated award-winning projects based on partnerships with the world's preeminent hotel and restaurant groups, hospitality Companies, and top chefs.With an ever-expanding scope of work which now includes hospitality programming, architecture design, furniture, Fixtures & Equipment design, Golucci Interior Architects is simultaneous defining a new era of creative interiors while keeping a spirit grounded by the unending desire to tell authentic design stories. Firm is perfectly situated at the intersection of maturity and evolution, and the long-lasting partnerships that we have established with a growing portfolio of iconic brands are founded on our unparalleled ability to bring business to life through emotive and exciting spaces.

古鲁奇建筑咨询公司 一所在中国与香港注册的专业设计咨询公司,专注于餐饮空间与建筑设计咨询。公司长期以来致力于在多种餐饮型态与设计风格上探索创新,取得了卓越的成就。我们的餐饮空间作品遍布中国大陆、欧美、英国、德国、加拿大、新西兰、香港、越南及亚洲各地,作品涵盖了各种型态的餐饮与酒吧空间。 近年来,古鲁奇建筑咨询公司凭借卓越的设计能力和专业素质,被美国室内设计杂志Interior Design评为中国设计百强企业。此外,我们的大量餐饮设计咨询作品也获得了多项国际级设计大奖的肯定,如荷兰FRAME Award、德国iF Design Award、德国Red Dot、日本Good Design Award、日本JCD设计大赏、意大利A' Design Award、香港APIDA亚太区室内设计大奖、台湾TID等,这些荣誉是我们一直以来追求卓越的最好证明。 古鲁奇建筑咨询公司拥有丰富的餐饮品牌设计咨询经验和专业的设计团队,始终秉承创新、卓越、专业的设计理念,致力于为客户提供最优质的服务和最具创意的设计方案。我们将继续推动餐饮空间建筑设计的发展,成为国际专业的餐饮空间建筑设计咨询公司之一。

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