One Plus Partnership
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One Plus Partnership has formed interiors in cinemas, restaurants, retail stores, clubhouses, sales offices and commercial offices from 2004 to the present. One Plus forms the unusual by visualising distinct thematic spaces. Each design is distinc...
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One Plus Partnership has formed interiors in cinemas, restaurants, retail stores, clubhouses, sales offices and commercial offices from 2004 to the present. One Plus forms the unusual by visualising distinct thematic spaces. Each design is distinct, yet clearly noticeable as our own. Each design features a breakthrough. Each design explores a theme through visualising it again and again in different ways. One Plus interiors take on a life of their own. One Plus interior designs have been praised by being the recipients of a number of global design awards.
从2004年至今,One Plus Partnership在电影院、餐厅、零售店、会所、售楼处和商业办公室形成了室内设计。 One Plus通过可视化不同的主题空间来形成不寻常的事物。每个设计都是独特的,但又像我们自己的一样清晰可见。每个设计都具有突破性。每个设计都通过以不同的方式一次又一次地可视化来探索一个主题。One Plus 内饰拥有自己的生命。 One Plus的室内设计获得了许多全球设计奖项,备受赞誉。


Pulse On is a malleable and playful extension One Plus application; in what you imagine it to be and function as. Pulse On can be interiors, fashion and beyond. Pulse On forms interiors giving a vibrant and energetic feel to design which is interactive to be in. Pules On explores new fashion concepts that totally change the way clothing is sold, matched and perceived.
Pulse On 是一款可塑且有趣的扩展 One Plus 应用程序;在你想象中的样子和功能。Pulse On 可以是室内设计、时尚等。 Pulse On形成室内设计,给人一种充满活力和活力的设计感觉,具有互动性。Pules On 探索新的时尚概念,彻底改变了服装的销售、搭配和感知方式。

Virginia Lung

Founder of One Plus Partnership, Virginia has won 660 international awards for the designs of cinemas, restaurants, retail stores, club houses, and sales offices.
Virginia’s worldwide achievements in renowned awards include winning 10 Iconic Design Awards, the most Best of Best Awards in history; Frame Awards - Cinema of the Year Award; 15 Awards with 2 Gold Awards in iF Design Awards; 25 IIDA Awards, with grand awards Overall Winner and Best of Competition. She was awarded Best in 10 Award in Best of Year Awards, as the best design in the previous decade. Virginia was also the sole winner of Andrew Martin International Interior Designer of the Year Award.
She adjudicated for INSIDE Festival of Interiors, NeoCon, and K-Design Award. Her projects were exhibited internationally, including Venice Biennale 2016. She is a columnist for JESSICA Magazine, previous writer for Hong Kong Standard and Sing Tao Daily

作为One Plus Partnership的创始人,Virginia在电影院、餐厅、零售店、会所和售楼处的设计方面赢得了660个国际奖项。
Virginia在著名奖项中的全球成就包括赢得 10 项标志性设计奖,这是历史上最多的最佳设计奖;Frame Awards - 年度最佳电影奖;15个奖项,其中2个是iF设计奖金奖;25 个 IIDA 奖,包括总冠军和最佳竞赛奖。她被授予年度最佳设计奖中的10个最佳奖,作为过去十年的最佳设计。Virginia也是安德鲁·马丁国际年度室内设计师奖的唯一获奖者。
她曾担任 INSIDE 室内设计节、NeoCon 和 K-Design 奖的评委。她的项目在国际上展出,包括2016年威尼斯双年展。她是《JESSICA》杂志的专栏作家,《香港标准报》和《星岛日报》的前撰稿人。

Ajax Law

In only 15 years’ time, One Plus Partnership has been awarded 660 international awards. As the design director, Ajax Law showed his exceptional design talent at a young age. In 2014, he was one of the selected awardees of the JCI Hong Kong Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) Selection. Ajax was the sole representative from the interior design industry to have received this honour. Ajax showed tremendous passions towards his design projects and personally involved throughout the planning and site inspection stages so as to ensure all end products are perfectly presented. He contributes to the society by actively participating in domestic and overseas academic lectures and acting as judge for interior design competitions e.g. Korea K-Design Award, Taiwan TID Award. He’s also a regular columnist of ‘MR.’ magazine.

在短短 15 年的时间里,One Plus Partnership 已获得 660 个国际奖项。作为设计总监,Ajax Law在年轻时就展现了他非凡的设计天赋。 2014年,他入选JCI香港十大杰出青年评选。Ajax Law是室内设计行业唯一获此殊荣的代表。 Ajax Law对他的设计项目表现出极大的热情,并亲自参与了整个规划和现场检查阶段,以确保所有最终产品都完美呈现。他积极参与国内外学术讲座,并担任韩国K-Design Award、台湾TID奖等室内设计比赛的评委,为社会做出贡献。
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