andblack design studio
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andblack 设计工作室是一家跨学科设计工作室,致力于建筑、室内设计、艺术装置和家具设计领域,提供各种规模的解决方案。工作室注重使用参数化工具和物理建模,将其作为设计发展的主要方式。andblack 的理念在于设计出 “解决方案 ”的过程。他们坚信,设计过程应该足够强大,能够为从概念到细节设计的所有设计阶段提供信息。andblack 的核心理念指导团队实现部署智能系统的高效建筑。对于 Jwalant 和 Kanika 来说,一切能打动他们情感的事物都能激发他们的灵感。从大自然中复杂的相互作用...
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andblack 设计工作室是一家跨学科设计工作室,致力于建筑、室内设计、艺术装置和家具设计领域,提供各种规模的解决方案。工作室注重使用参数化工具和物理建模,将其作为设计发展的主要方式。andblack 的理念在于设计出 “解决方案 ”的过程。他们坚信,设计过程应该足够强大,能够为从概念到细节设计的所有设计阶段提供信息。andblack 的核心理念指导团队实现部署智能系统的高效建筑。对于 Jwalant 和 Kanika 来说,一切能打动他们情感的事物都能激发他们的灵感。从大自然中复杂的相互作用,到日常生活中简单的生活理念,andblack 都以构思和交付具有标志性和意义的项目而自豪。

andblack design studio is an interdisciplinary design studio working in the field of architecture, interiors, art installations, and furniture design to deliver solutions at all scales. The studio focuses on the use of parametric tools and physical modeling as the primary way to evolve design. andblack’s philosophy lies in designing the process that leads to the ‘solution’. It is their utmost belief that the design process should be robust enough to inform all stages of design; from concept to detail design. The practice strives to constantly challenge itself to rethink these processes to suit each unique project. andblack's core beliefs guide the team to achieve efficient buildings that deploy intelligent systems. For Jwalant and Kanika, everything that moves them emotionally, inspires them. From complex interactions present in nature, to simple everyday concepts of life, andblack prides itself in conceiving and delivering projects that can be both iconic and meaningful.

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