Planorama Landschaftsarchitektur
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柏林 / 德国
联邦建筑文化基金会之友协会成员 德国景观建筑师协会 (bdla) 会员 建筑规划师协会会员Member of the Friends’ Association of the Federal Foundation of Baukultur Member of the Association of German Landscapearchitects (bdla) Member of the Association of Planer am BauPLANORAMA 是一个由景观设计师、建筑师、城市...
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德国景观建筑师协会 (bdla) 会员

Member of the Friends’ Association of the Federal Foundation of Baukultur
Member of the Association of German Landscapearchitects (bdla)
Member of the Association of Planer am Bau

PLANORAMA 是一个由景观设计师、建筑师、城市规划师、设计师和工程师组成的团队,他们都致力于为我们的生活环境提供高水准的设计。我们共同拥有 300 多年的专业经验以及应对未来挑战所必需的专业知识。我们为客户提供高端土地和城市景观规划与建设的全套服务。无论是设计、规划还是建造,我们对整个过程的每一个阶段都充满热情:从最初的创意萌芽到最后的现场铺设。

PLANORAMA is a team of landscape architects, architects, urban planners, designers, and engineers, all of whom are dedicated to high-calibre design for our living environment. Together we have more than 300 years of professional experience as well as the know-how necessary to deal with the challenges the future holds. We offer our clients a complete spectrum of services for the planning and construction of high-end land- and cityscapes. Be it designing, planning, or building, we are equally passionate about every stage of the process: from the initial germ of an idea through to the laying of the final block on-site.


The open culture in the company, combined with an appreciation for individual talents, enriches the quality of our designs. We cultivate open-spirited cooperation in-house, as well as with our clients and the people who finally bring our designs to life.

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