Fran Silvestre Arquitectos
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巴伦西亚 / 西班牙
About USFran Silvestre Arquitectos is an Architecture and Design studio based in Valencia, Spain. Formed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals, it develops residential, cultural, corporative or public projects worldwide, with clients in Europ...
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About US

Fran Silvestre Arquitectos is an Architecture and Design studio based in Valencia, Spain. Formed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals, it develops residential, cultural, corporative or public projects worldwide, with clients in Europe, USA or Russia. Throughout its history, it has received international awards and recognitions, such as the MHK in Berlin in 2009, the Red Dot Design Award in 2013, the NYCxDESIGN Awards 2016 in New York, the German Design Award 2016 or the First Prize in the Category of Product Design at the XIII Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism 2016. The studio has also participated in international congresses such as the series of conferences “Spanish Art&Culture” in the United States in 2012, the Cityliv 2013 in Maastricht or the Archi Summit in Porto in 2016. Its work has been published in magazines such as GA Houses, On-Site, Architectural Record, Architectural Digest or Arquitectura Viva, and in editorials like Phaidon, GG, Taschen or Rizzoli. The approach to each project arises from a double compromise: the will to give a technical response to a specific context and the desire to find beauty through the built work, pursuing the satisfaction of those involved in its development. Specially of the users, but also of the collaborators, constructors and designers. In the professional career of the firm we can find very diverse types of buildings. Some works undertaken with high budget, and some of them with a low budget, but in every case great attention has been paid to the economy, without any waste. Another feature of the process is continuity, with the surrounding which we must respect, but also understood from a time-space point of view, valuing the architecture that is able to survive the passing of time without becoming obsolete. There is an emphasis placed on the use of innovation. New materials, new technologies, which improve people’s lives. Also, precision is one of the keys for this work method. It requires a focused and attentive activity throughout the whole process, from the initial idea to its completion. As the project becomes part of the identity of those who inhabit it, dialogue is always present. It is an unequivocal expression of their personality or corporative culture. And finally, the team. The excellence in design is based in the integration of a network of professionals that agree on their passion for their work. A team that creates an environment of shared creativity capable of generating a continuous motivation, taking care of what is still in progress and excited for what is yet to come.

Fran Silvestre Arquitectos是一家位于西班牙瓦伦西亚的建筑和设计工作室。它由一个多学科的专业团队组成,在全球范围内开发住宅、文化、企业或公共项目,客户遍及欧洲、美国或俄罗斯。纵观其历史,它已经获得了国际奖项和认可,如2009年柏林的MHK,2013年的红点设计奖,2016年纽约的NYCxDESIGN奖,2016年德国设计奖或2016年第十三届西班牙建筑和城市化双年展的产品设计类一等奖。该工作室还参加了一些国际会议,如2012年在美国举行的 "西班牙艺术与文化 "系列会议、2013年在马斯特里赫特举行的Cityliv会议或2016年在波尔图举行的Archi峰会。其作品发表在《GA Houses》、《On-Site》、《建筑记录》、《建筑文摘》或《Arquitectura Viva》等杂志上,以及Phaidon、GG、Taschen或Rizzoli等社论上。每个项目的方法都来自于双重妥协:对特定环境作出技术反应的意愿和通过建筑作品寻找美感的愿望,追求参与项目发展的人的满意。特别是用户,但也包括合作者、建设者和设计师。在公司的职业生涯中,我们可以找到非常多样化的建筑类型。有些工程的预算很高,有些工程的预算很低,但在每一种情况下都非常注意经济,没有任何浪费。这个过程的另一个特点是连续性,我们必须尊重周围的环境,但也要从时间空间的角度来理解,重视能够在时间流逝中生存而不被淘汰的建筑。重点在于创新的使用。新材料、新技术,改善了人们的生活。此外,精确性是这种工作方法的关键之一。它要求在整个过程中,从最初的想法到完成,都要有一个专注和专心的活动。由于项目成为居住在其中的人的身份的一部分,对话总是存在的。这是他们个性或企业文化的明确表达。最后是团队。卓越的设计是建立在一个专业人员网络的整合上的,他们对工作的热情是一致的。这个团队创造了一个共享创造力的环境,能够产生持续的动力,照顾到仍在进行的工作,并为尚未到来的工作感到兴奋。

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