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神奈川 / 日本
About USMain services of 'Youji no Shiro' are designs and surveillances of buildings, renovation and interiors of preschools. We also provide branding consultation services for preschools.'Youji no Shiro', which means 'The Castle for Children' in Jap...
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About US

Main services of 'Youji no Shiro' are designs and surveillances of buildings, renovation and interiors of preschools. We also provide branding consultation services for preschools.'Youji no Shiro', which means 'The Castle for Children' in Japanese, is the name of a section of Hibino Sekkei Architecutre, based in Kanagawa, Japan. The company was founded in 1972 and had launched the sectionthat specialises in the design of spaces for children in 1991, reflecting the rapidly altering social situation. By that time, the declining birth rate had become a serious issue in Japan. With fewer children continuing to develop, we became to think that existing preschool architecture where classroomsof same sizes and shapes were lined up weren't just right. Instead of those characterless architecture, we thought what's needed are spaces that is sincerely considered, designed and built for the people who work there, people in the neighbourhood and, of course, children who use there. Believing that, we had built up more and more work in the field of space design for children. During our 27 years in operation, we have created more than 520 spaces for children all over Japan. The spaces include newly built architecture, converted architecture, interiors and the like. Recently the area of our service is expanding to the world.

Youji no Shiro主要提供设计以及监理,重修以及装饰幼儿设施服务。我们也可以提供幼儿设施标志设计。 Youji no Shiro在日语中的意思是“孩子们的城堡”,是日比野设计公司下属的一个部门,位于日本的神奈川县。公司成立于1972年,为了适应飞速发展的社会需求变化,1991年成立了这个专门针对儿童设施的设计部门Youji no Shiro。 在我们成立的这24年以来,我们现在已经在全日本范围内建造了超过350所幼儿园,这其中包括新建的幼儿园,也包含了对原有幼儿园的改建,内部的翻新。进年来,我们更是将业务推进到了全世界的范围内。

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