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中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司(以下简称“华东院”)1954年建院, 是中国电力建设集团的特级企业。名列中国勘察设计综合实力百强单位(排名第7位)、中国工程设计企业60强(排名第8位)、中国承包商80强(排名第29位)、中国监理行业十大品牌企业。华东院是国家高新技术企业、国家级工业化与信息化“两化”深度融合示范单位、中国对外承包工程业务新签合同额百强企业、住建部首批全过程工程咨询试点企业、全国实施卓越绩效模式先进企业、电力行业首批卓越绩效标杆AAAAA企业、浙江省工程总承包试点企业、浙江...

中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司(以下简称“华东院”)1954年建院, 是中国电力建设集团的特级企业。名列中国勘察设计综合实力百强单位(排名第7位)、中国工程设计企业60强(排名第8位)、中国承包商80强(排名第29位)、中国监理行业十大品牌企业。华东院是国家高新技术企业、国家级工业化与信息化“两化”深度融合示范单位、中国对外承包工程业务新签合同额百强企业、住建部首批全过程工程咨询试点企业、全国实施卓越绩效模式先进企业、电力行业首批卓越绩效标杆AAAAA企业、浙江省工程总承包试点企业、浙江省“一带一路”建设示范企业和浙江省规模最大的勘测设计研究单位。

Founded in 1954, East China Survey and Design Institute of China Electric Power Construction Group is a special enterprise of China Electric Power Construction Group. It is one of the top 100 survey and design companies in China (ranked 7th), one of the top 60 engineering design companies in China (ranked 8th), one of the top 80 contractors in China (ranked 29th), and one of the top 10 brands in China's supervision industry. East China Institute is a national high-tech enterprises, national industrialisation and information technology ‘two’ deep fusion demonstration unit, China's foreign contracted projects business of the top 100 enterprises in terms of new contract value, the Ministry of Housing and Construction of the first batch of the whole process of engineering consulting pilot enterprises, the national implementation of the model of excellence in the advanced enterprises, the first batch of the electric power industry, excellence in the performance of the benchmarking of AAAAA It is also one of the pilot enterprises for general contracting in Zhejiang Province, a demonstration enterprise for the construction of ‘One Belt and One Road’ in Zhejiang Province, and the largest surveying and designing research unit in Zhejiang Province.


East China Institute is one of the earliest survey and design institutes established in China, and is a national large-scale comprehensive Class A survey and design research unit, with business scope including hydropower and new energy, urban and rural construction, ecology and environment, etc. It endeavours to build a first-class international engineering company with the capability of providing intelligent services in the whole process of engineering.


East China Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Urban Construction covers more than 100 regions at home and abroad, involving traditional planning and design fields such as territorial spatial planning, conceptual planning, urban design, detailed planning, village planning, landscape planning, various special plans, as well as planning, design and research in engineering fields such as territorial land management, regional comprehensive development, urban renewal, intelligent community, rural revitalisation, and so on.

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