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About USNaoko Nakamura 1984 Born in Kyoto 2005-10 Worked for TOYO KITCHEN STYLE Co,. ltd. 2010- Established koyori 2017- Renamed koyori First Class Authorized Architect Office Masahiko Nakamura the class-1 architect (registration no. 335943) 1982 Bor...
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About US

Naoko Nakamura 1984 Born in Kyoto 2005-10 Worked for TOYO KITCHEN STYLE Co,. ltd. 2010- Established koyori 2017- Renamed koyori First Class Authorized Architect Office Masahiko Nakamura the class-1 architect (registration no. 335943) 1982 Born in Kyoto 2010 Graduated the master program at Kyoto Institute of Technology graduate school 2011-12 Worked for ATELIER-ASH 2013 Participated in koyori 2014 Established DATT First Class Authorized Architect Office 2017- Renamed koyori First Class Authorized Architect Office Awards The Prize at HOKKAIDO GARDEN SHOW Competition The Excellent Prize at Interior Coordination Contest 2013 The Special Jury Prize at Interior Coordination Contest 2014 The Prize at Kyoto Design Award 2015

誰もが触れたことのあるこより紐。 夏祭りのヨーヨーすくいや、七夕短冊、荷札やご祝儀袋の水引と古くから日本の文化に寄り添ってきました。 指先でくるくるねじる。そんなシンプルな動作で出来上がる紐が、便利化されていく現代でも欠かせないひとつのものとして生きつづけています。 私達のデザインも場所やシチュエーション、用途に合わせ様々な形になりながらお客様の暮らしにそっと寄り添いつづけるものでありたいと考えています。

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