Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates-KPF
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About USKohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) is a global architecture practice dedicated to clients that represent the most forward-thinking companies and institutions around the world – visionaries that believe that value is not just producing return ...
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About US

Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) is a global architecture practice dedicated to clients that represent the most forward-thinking companies and institutions around the world – visionaries that believe that value is not just producing return on investment but also in contributing to our urban environment and communities. Our portfolio spans more than 40 countries, and includes a wide range of projects from office and residential buildings to civic and cultural spaces to educational facilities. Driven by individual design solutions, our mission is to create buildings and places of the utmost quality and contextual sensitivity, providing a valuable impact on their cities.

Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates(KPF)是一家全球性的建筑事务所,致力于为代表世界各地最具前瞻性的公司和机构的客户提供服务--这些有远见的人相信,价值不仅仅是产生投资回报,还在于为我们的城市环境和社区作出贡献。我们的投资组合横跨40多个国家,包括从办公和住宅建筑到公民和文化空间以及教育设施等广泛的项目。在个性化设计方案的驱动下,我们的使命是创造出具有最高质量和环境敏感性的建筑和场所,为其城市提供有价值的影响。

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