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代尔夫特 / 荷兰
About USMecanoo, officially founded in Delft in 1984, is made up of a highly multidisciplinary staff of creative professionals from 25 countries. The team includes architects, interior designers, urban planners, landscape architects as well as archit...
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About US

Mecanoo, officially founded in Delft in 1984, is made up of a highly multidisciplinary staff of creative professionals from 25 countries. The team includes architects, interior designers, urban planners, landscape architects as well as architectural technicians and support staff.Mecanoo is led by Francine Houben (Creative Director & Founding Partner), Floris Overheul (Financial Director), Dick van Gameren (Design & Research Partner), and Partners/Architects Nuno Fontarra, Rick Splinter and Arne Lijbers.Mecanoo has extensive experience designing and realising exceptional buildings which serve client ambitions while creating vibrant end-user spaces. Each project responds to our philosophy of People, Place and Purpose: to the client’s requirements and the user’s needs (People); the physical context, climate and culture (Place); and the current and predicted potential of a building’s function (Purpose).The result is unique solutions for each varying situation, in which the disciplines of architecture, urban planning, landscape and interior combine in a non-traditional way. Over the years we have learned that functions inevitably change. Therefore, we must create buildings that are prepared for (un)predictable change.Sustainability is an inherent aspect of our design approach, feeding into an ambition to create new identity in a world of globalization, resulting in inspiring and authentic places, socially relevant for people and communities.Preoccupied not by a focus on form, but on process, consultation, context, urban scale and integrated sustainable design strategies, the practice creates culturally significant buildings with a human touch.

Mecanoo,自1984年於台夫特正式成立,由來自25個國家的跨領域創意專業人員組成。團隊包括建築師,室內設計師,城市規劃師,景觀設計師以及建築工程師和相關支援人員。Mecanoo團隊由創意總監(兼創始合夥人)Francine Houben、財務總監Floris Overheul與設計、研究總監(兼合夥人)Dick van Gameren及合夥人Nuno Fontarra、Rick Splinter、Arne Lijbers共同帶領。 Mecanoo在設計和實踐出色建築項目上擁有豐富的經驗,作品既可滿足客戶的願景,又能提供兼具活力的使用環境。 每個項目都符合我們的「人們、場所、機能」的設計理念:滿足客戶與用戶所需(人們);考量物理環境、氣候和文化(場所);並兼顧建築當前機能與未來潛力(機能)。 在建築、都市設計、景觀設計跨領域專業共同推動下,我們不因循守舊,針對不同情境提出相應的獨特見解。 多年以來,我們了解到空間機能無法避免地會不斷變化。因此,我們期許所創造的建築應能為可或不可預期的變化而做好準備。 永續性是我們一貫的設計考量。於此願景下,我們在全球化世界中提出新的自明性,設計出令人振奮和真實的場所,以此對個體和團體產生社會意義。 我們不僅受限於建築形式,而是專注於設計過程、諮詢討論、社會脈絡、城市尺度和綜合的永續策略,從而創造出具有人文氣息與文化意義的建築。

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