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About USTRANSFORMATION,TRANSLATION,DIRECTION he design itself today is na longer a pranoun of remodeling or renovatian,there's more aspect to it lt's the package of discussion about life, connectionjansformation, details and attitude so that people w...
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About US

TRANSFORMATION,TRANSLATION,DIRECTION he design itself today is na longer a pranoun of remodeling or renovatian,there's more aspect to it lt's the package of discussion about life, connectionjansformation, details and attitude so that people who actually live in thelouse can have o different experience. Wei Yi Design Shin-Yuan Fang founded wei yilnternatianal Design Associates in2003. Good at using low-level design combined with modernism to show thedesign style formed by the Song Dynasty aesthetics and culture. Wei Yi has won many domestic anainternational awards such as TID and Goldin Award in Taiwan, APIDA Award, IAl Award, INSIDE World Festival ofinteriorsSingaporel, iF Award, GermanDesian Award, Red Dot Desion Award,and A'DESIGN Award,DFA.Wei Yi's works were featured in many magazines such as(PLACES Of spirit) .(Marie Claireltaly) and (Hame Living)ang is praud to use features in madernismn but integrates its material culturento an Asian aesthetic and tends ta design his works using green designquidelines.


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