Parallect Design
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平介设计是扎根长三角地区的多元化设计工作室,于2017 年在荷兰创立,现于上海、苏州两地设有工作室。我们致力于为不同语境下的空间提供富有实验精神的设计思路,追随使用者的平行视角,介入空间,强调设计的体验性。我们是一个广义设计的小组,建筑、室内、景观设计是我们切入市场的主力视角,与此同时,我们还将专业领域扩展至装置艺术、平面、展陈、城市规划等多类型项目。“策划”、“设计”、“内容”、“研发”,在我们看来是边界模糊的近义词,皆是完成一个作品所需具备的必要因素。我们通过先锋、创新的整合性思维,...

平介设计是扎根长三角地区的多元化设计工作室,于2017 年在荷兰创立,现于上海、苏州两地设有工作室。我们致力于为不同语境下的空间提供富有实验精神的设计思路,追随使用者的平行视角,介入空间,强调设计的体验性。我们是一个广义设计的小组,建筑、室内、景观设计是我们切入市场的主力视角,与此同时,我们还将专业领域扩展至装置艺术、平面、展陈、城市规划等多类型项目。“策划”、“设计”、“内容”、“研发”,在我们看来是边界模糊的近义词,皆是完成一个作品所需具备的必要因素。我们通过先锋、创新的整合性思维,从多维角度提出或解决具体问题,关注项目的全程闭环,依附实践。着眼艺术性、功能性、经济性的同时,我们不断挖掘空间潜能和使用者的底层需求,鼓励多方的讨论和合作伙伴间的积极跨界、互动、交叉赋能,以共同完成更有社会价值的作品。

平介的设计团队拥有广泛的专业教育和工作经历背景,我们汇聚了国际化、多领域的年轻、创意人才,在这样多元文化融合、冲击的工作氛围中,团队得以互相激发,不断打破设计的“传统”边界。工作室获得了包括环球时报,中新社,Archdaily,谷德,环球设计,有方,FRAME,UED,World-Architects等众多媒体关注。作品编入《中国建筑设计年鉴》《中国室内设计年鉴》《安邸AD》《华中建筑》《城市中国》《城市建筑》《新材料.新装饰》《现代设计》《装潢世界》《INTERIOR》等国内外杂志与学术期刊,也收获了Active House Awards,EuroShop 设计奖,非凡设计大奖,IAI 全球设计奖,红棉中国设计奖,金案奖,国际色彩空间设计奖,环球酒店节年度奖,金堂奖,筑巢奖,中国新商业空间大奖,上海国际设计周设计奖,可持续发展设计奖等国内外奖项。团队成员入选FA 青年设计师TOP20,中国设计星,福布斯中国30U30精英榜,40Under40中国设计杰出青年,设计千人计划,“未来之星”青年设计师,亚洲青年设计之光等榜单。工作室获得中国建筑学会会员单位,苏州大学学生实践基地,苏州创意设计产业协会合作单位,苏州市风景园林学会理事单位等认证。

Parallect Design is a diversified design firm rooted in the Yangtze River Delta region. It was founded in Rotterdam, the Netherlands in 2017, and now has studios in Shanghai and Suzhou, China. We are committed to providing experimental design ideas for spaces in different contexts, following the parallel perspectives of users, intervening in spaces to enhance the design experience. We are a broad-based design group. Architecture and interior space design are our main perspectives. At the same time, we also expand our professional fields to installation art, landscape, graphic design, exhibition, urban planning, and other projects. We have already accumulated a lot of practical experience. To us, "Scheme planning", "Design", "Content", and "Research" are synonyms with blurred boundaries and necessary factors to complete a work. We propose or solve specific problems innovatively through integrated thinking from multi-dimensional perspectives. We pay attention to the entire project process and rely on practice. While focusing on artistry, functionality and economy, we continue to exploit the potentialities of space and the underlying needs of users. We encourage positive cross-border interaction and discussions among partners to accomplish more social value.

Our team has a wide range of professional education and work experience backgrounds. We have brought together young and creative talents from international and multi-fields. In such a multi-cultural interactive working atmosphere, the team can inspire and keep breaking "traditional boundaries" of design. Our projects have gained much media attention, including Archdaily, Gooood, FRAME, UED, World-Architects and so on. They have been compiled into international magazines and academic journals such as "INTERIOR", "China Architectural Design Yearbook", "China Interior Design Yearbook", "Huazhong Architecture", "City China", etc. Besides, we have won lots of awards like ActiveHouse Awards, EuroShop Design Award, Golden Ruler List, IAI Global Design Award, Kapok China Design Award, Golden Case Award, International Color Space Design Award, Global Hotel Festival Annual Award, Jintang Award, Nesting Award, China New Commercial Space Award, Shanghai International Design Week Design Award, etc. Our team members were selected into the FA TOP20 Young Designers, China Design Star, Forbes 30U30 Elite List, "Future Star" Young Designers, and others.

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