Tsutsumi & Associates
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About USYusuke Tsutsumi Architecture Studio was established in 2009 in Beijing by Yusuke Tsutsumi, a Japanese registered first class architect. He was born in 1978 in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, graduated from the University of Tokyo in 2003, and work...
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About US

Yusuke Tsutsumi Architecture Studio was established in 2009 in Beijing by Yusuke Tsutsumi, a Japanese registered first class architect. He was born in 1978 in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, graduated from the University of Tokyo in 2003, and worked at SAKO Architecture Design Studio in Beijing from 2004 to 2008. 2009, he established his Beijing studio. His main awards are JCD Design Award Gold/Silver/Nishizawa Tachibe Award, DFA Award Silver, APIDA Bronze, A&D China Awards (BEST of Category), The Architecture MasterPrize, etc.

堤由匡建筑设计工作室由日本注册一级建筑师堤由匡于2009年在北京成立。堤由匡1978年生于日本福冈县。2003年东京大学建筑学科毕业。2004年-2008年北京SAKO建筑设计工社。2009年,建立北京堤由匡建筑设计工作室 。 主要获奖是JCD Design Award 金奖/银奖/西泽立卫奖,DFA Award 银奖,APIDA 铜奖,A&D China Awards( BEST of Category),  The Architecture MasterPrize,等。

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