Veldhoen + Company
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埃因霍温 / 荷兰
For over 30 years, Veldhoen + Company has developed and implemented new ways of working for forward-thinking organisations around the world. WHO WE ARE We are the most experienced, independent workplace strategy consultants worldwide....

For over 30 years, Veldhoen + Company has developed and implemented new ways of working for forward-thinking organisations around the world.


We are the most experienced, independent workplace strategy consultants worldwide. As the team behind Activity Based Working, we have pioneered a holistic, data-driven approach to new ways of working with a focus on new workspace concept development and change management. We partner with organisations around the world, guiding them to explore how an intentional and integrated approach to physical space (Bricks), technology (Bytes) and company culture (Behaviour) can support their unique vision for a better world of work. We firmly believe that each organisation has its own path towards achieving its goals. Whether your teams are working remotely, in the office, or on a hybrid schedule, we enhance their experience and guide your vision into reality.


We'll help you understand and reimagine the way your organisation works.
01-Analyse and understand how your people work
Through surveys, interviews, and innovative research methods, V+C can help you understand how your people interact with their workplace. These insights can be used to help your organisation navigate the future of work.
02-Design a workplace concept and strategy
Design a workplace concept and strategy From initial visioning sessions to a functional layout of your new space, V+C will co-create a workplace concept for your organisation that engages your people and supports them in their day-to-day work.
03-Develop your people and strengthen your culture
Through learning and development programmes tailored to the needs of individuals, teams, and leadership, V+C can help guide your organisation toward improved performance and collaboration, while also boosting connection, compassion, fun and wellbeing.

About Veldhoen + Company

Veldhoen + Company ( 万合丰 ) 是一家总部位于荷兰的工作场所战略咨询公司,成立于1989年。他们的创始人认为更灵活和可持续的工作场所是未来的趋势,并为许多组织开发了新的工作方式。其中一个组织是 Interpolis,其办公室成为了实施“基于活动的工作”(ABW)的标志性案例。作为全球最长时间持续运营的新工作方式咨询公司,Veldhoen + Company 是这种以人为中心的工作场所战略和设计方法的先驱之一。他们在全球范围内拥有300多个项目,已经有数百篇出版物。Veldhoen + Company 在世界各地设有办事处,包括 Eindhoven、Düsseldorf、伦敦、纽约、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、新加坡和东京,以及遍布全球的顾问团队。他们的团队成员热衷于挑战彼此和客户,通过开放和好奇心,与客户一起共同创造更好的工作世界。

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