Uluwatu / SAOTA
This getaway home designed by SAOTA in Uluwatu, on the south‐western tip of the Bukit Peninsula of Bali, Indonesia, is dramatically perched high on a limestone cliff edge
Uluwatu / SAOTA
Project Year
Site Area
14170 m²
Text description provided by the architects

这座由SAOTA设计的度假屋位于印尼巴厘岛武吉半岛西南端的Uluwatu,耸立在石灰岩悬崖边上。Ulu意为 "陆地的尽头",watu意为 "岩石",恰如其分地描述了野生、干旱半岛的荒野之美。Uluwatu还以拥有世界上最好的冲浪海滩而闻名,其陡峭的岩石悬崖提供了令人向往的高空海景。

This getaway home designed by SAOTA in Uluwatu, on the south‐western tip of the Bukit Peninsula of Bali, Indonesia, is dramatically perched high on a limestone cliff edge. Ulu means “land’s end” and watu means “rock”, which aptly describes the rugged beauty of wild, arid peninsula. Uluwatu is also known for having some of the world’s best surfing beaches, and its steep, rocky cliffs provide sought‐ after elevated ocean views.


SAOTA designed the house on a large east‐west‐oriented site facing the ocean on the eastern side. The scale of the site allowed for the design to accommodate a resort‐inspired layout with separate suites and living spaces in a fragmented arrangement that weaves together indoor and outdoor spaces. A series of courtyards, gardens and other planted terraces are deftly woven into the architecture, combining structured and naturalistic planting and creating a sense that landscape and architecture are meaningfully integrated. In fact, the design was partly inspired by the way in which rocky ruins are, in time, reclaimed by the landscape, and come to seem almost as if they are part of it.


A large palm‐lined entry courtyard creates a dramatic sense of arrival with a grand staircase floating over a cascading water feature. Monolithic stone‐clad walls add a singular design statement to the experience of entering the house. The centralised entrance creates a focal point on arrival, where a lounge, dining room and covered terrace form the core of the cellular arrangement of buildings and pavilions, which radiate outwards, organically interspersed with planted courtyards and terraces. A large courtyard to the west provides an enclosed counterpoint to the vast views to the east.


Not only does the fragmented nature of the building and outdoor spaces do away with internal passages entirely, but it also facilitates the home’s “chameleon quality”, a responsive arrangement that expands or “shrinks” to accommodate both small and large groups of people. Even if the owner was to visit without guests, he could occupy the main suite and living areas without being aware of the additional guest rooms, so the grandeur of the arrangement never loses a sense of intimacy. Similarly, throughout the plan, large spaces such as the entrance, pool terrace and western courtyard are balanced with intimately proportioned living spaces.


The way in which architecture and external courtyards are interwoven means navigation through the buildings involves constantly crossing between architecture and landscape, facilitating a powerful sense of place. The seamlessly integrated indoor‐outdoor lifestyle is also a response to Bali’s climate. A range of covered outdoor spaces and courtyards, pavilions and terraces offer a variety of outdoor experiences with varying degrees of cover. The porous nature of the design encourages naturally cooling cross ventilation to flow in from the ocean. When the heat becomes oppressive, it’s possible to retreat into fully the fully enclosed, air‐conditioned lounge and dining areas.


In the main living areas, the distinctive vernacular timber pavilions typical of Balinese architecture have been reinterpreted using glass curtain walling, and the local lightweight timber roofs have been re‐envisioned as a floating concrete roof form, beautifully crafted with board‐marked concrete. This subtly playful refence to the timberwork prevalent in the local architecture has once again been elevated in keeping with the scale of the project. The eye‐catching slope of the roof is a climatically appropriate response to the east west‐orientation of the house, inviting in the morning light and opening up ocean views to the east, while providing shelter from the harsh afternoon light from the west.


Throughout the house, the texture of the concrete and natural finishes such as local stone have been overlaid with distinctive timberwork. Vertical screens, joinery and decorative metalwork, such as the faceted bronzed aluminium behind the bar and in the cigar lounge, enrich the raw materiality with thoughtful details. Honed and unfilled travertine floors provide a luxurious finish underfoot while the continuity of the finishes imparts a sense of calmness and cohesion. High‐quality imported European furnishings and finishes introduce a sense of understated luxury with a contemporary take on pared‐back mid‐century design.


Nestled atop a cliff, with a sheer drop to the majestic southern Bali coastline, this split level retreat responds to the local tropical climate with generous sheltered outdoor spaces, and cohesive finishes to merge with the local Uluwatu terrain.




项目位置:印尼 巴厘岛




项目团队:Philip Olmesdahl, Mark Bullivant, Dominik George, Tasneem Mohamed & Carl Schmidt

合作单位:H+H Architecture

项目经理:Penjor Bali Mandiri

图片来源:©Adam Letch

Project: Uluwatu

Architect: SAOTA

Completed 2018

Site Area: 14 170 m2

Project Area: 1 863 m2

Project Type: Single Residential

Project Team: Philip Olmesdahl, Mark Bullivant, Dominik George, Tasneem Mohamed & Carl Schmidt

Architect of Record: H+H Architecture

Project Manager: Penjor Bali Mandiri

Photography: Adam Letch

Appreciations towards SAOTA for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/12/09
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