BAY AREA DISCOVERY MUSEUM / Olson Kundig Architects
The museum’s child-focused mission
BAY AREA DISCOVERY MUSEUM / Olson Kundig Architects
Project Year
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unkown m²
Text description provided by the architects

湾区探索博物馆(BADM)采用最新的幼儿教育研究来创造必要的学习体验,激发和建立孩子们创造性解决问题的技能,以改变他们的学习方式。博物馆位于金门国家休闲区的贝克堡一处独特的场所,贝克堡(Fort Baker)曾是一战军事基地,俯瞰金门大桥,这样一处美丽而有意义的地点,却少有为儿童开发的项目。Olson Kundig与Surfacedesign合作开发的园区总体规划和翻新工程以尊重历史遗址的建筑完整性,并打造一座以儿童为中心的博物馆为使命,改变了每年造访博物馆约35万名游客的体验。

Bay Area Discovery Museum (BADM) applies the latest early childhoodeducation research to develop essential learning experiences that inspire andbuild creative problem-solving skills in children to transform the way theylearn. The museum occupies a unique site at Fort Baker in the Golden GateNational Recreation area. Fort Baker, a former WW1 military base, overlooks theGolden Gate Bridge, the kind of beautiful and significant location that israrely developed for children’s programming. The campus-wide master plan andrenovation developed by Olson Kundig in collaboration with Surfacedesign honorsthe architectural integrity of the historic site and the museum’s child-focusedmission, transforming the guest experience for each of the museum’s 350,000annual visitors.


To reimagine the museum exhibits, architects and exhibit designerscollaborated with early learning experts from BADM’s in-house researchdivision. Five new permanent exhibits seamlessly incorporate the latestresearch into interactive activities and environments. Within the museum,children and their caregivers can learn about the world around them—anddiscover the impact of their own imagination, curiosity, and innovation.

经过翻新后全新引入的空间包括:Tot Spot房间,供婴幼儿探索风景;‘事物如何运作’(How Things Work)展厅,通过将日常用品“切割”成两半,以揭示事物内部的运作规律,从而激发孩子们的好奇心,并引导系统性思维的形成。‘尝试工作室’(Try It Studio)和‘思考、制作、尝试教室’(Think, Make, Try® Classroom),通过有趣的实践经验来构建孩子们的STEM学习概念,并向他们介绍数字制造技术,如3D打印机和乙烯基切割机;Faith渔船,一艘来自附近酒窖湾的复兴商业渔船;以及Gumnut Grove户外空间,为年龄较大的孩子提供了户外冒险的机会,让他们通过适合其年龄的冒险体验来建立信心。

Renovated and newly introduced spaces include Tot Spot, whereinfants and toddlers can explore landscape-themed rooms; How Things Work, whichfeatures everyday items cut in half to reveal their inner workings, sparkingcuriosity and introducing the power of systems thinking; Try It Studio and theThink, Make, Try® Classroom, which use playful, hands-on experiences to buildon STEM learning concepts and introduce children to digital fabricationtechnologies like 3D printers and vinyl cutters; Faith, a rejuvenatedcommercial fishing boat sourced from nearby Bodega Bay; and Gumnut Grove, anoutdoor space that offers an opportunity for older children to build confidencethrough adventurous outdoor play and age-appropriate risk-taking.

Tot Spot房间

‘事物如何运作’(How Things Work)展厅


‘尝试工作室’(Try It Studio)和‘思考、制作、尝试教室’(Think, Make, Try® Classroom)


Gumnut Grove户外空间


The master plan re-purposes two campus buildings for the museum’supdated programs and creates new research-backed permanent exhibits. A phasedapproach to planning and construction strategically positions the museum forlongevity and long-term resilience.


Architect:Olson Kundig

Completed: 2021

Project Size: 170,000 SF (master plan // 45,500 SF indoor space,124,500 outdoor space)

Tot Spot: 2,367 SF

Try It Studio: 3,365 SF

How Things Work: 1,929 SF

Project Team: Alan Maskin, Design Principal; Marlene Chen, AIA, LEED®AP, Project Manager; Megan Zimmerman, Project Architect; Crystal Coleman, LEED®AP, and Jerome Tryon, Architectural Staff; Ryan Botts, Tessa Crespo and JaredLuther, Exhibit Designers;Sarah Muchow, IIDA, NCIDQ, Interior Design; Mike Lee,Interior Design Staff

Key Consultants: Cello Maudru, General Contractor; WhitesideManagement, Owner’s Representative; Rutherford & Chekene, StructuralEngineer (Phase 1 Architecture); Tipping Engineering, Structural Engineer(Phase 2 Architecture & Exhibits); Integral Design, MEP Engineer; AECOM,Civil Engineer;Surfacedesign, Landscape Architect; Pacific Studio, ExhibitFabricator (Interior Exhibits); Gizmo, Exhibit Fabricator (Exterior Exhibits);Niteo, Lighting Design; Topflight, Specifications; Volume, Graphic Designer;Spaulding Wooden Boat Center, Boat Restoration

Image Credits: Matthew Millman

Appreciations towards Olson Kundig Architects for sharing wonderful work on WaSpeak. Click to see more works!
Published on 2023/11/27
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